Seize the Opportunity

While looking for a house, my wife and I became instant friends with the realtor. We all enjoyed our time together and met regularly. We even gave her the gospel while we looked at houses. We had purposed at our next meeting to share the gospel with our Bibles in hand. Then we got a phone call from her colleague telling us she had gruesomely committed suicide, leaving behind a husband and beautiful 5-year-old daughter. The news hit us like a ton of bricks. While looking for the right house was important and giving the gospel to her verbally was a start, we miserably failed this lost soul, and there will be no second chance.

Paul asks for prayer “…that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel… that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak” (Eph. 6:19). We might think of an apostle or pastor as always having the boldness to speak to anyone anywhere or anytime. But this passage shows we all lack boldness at times. Like Paul, we should pray for adequate boldness. Then we should pray for several other things. In Colossians 4:3, Paul asks the saints to continue “…praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ….” Sometimes it is appropriate to begin a conversation about eternal matters. But it is wonderful when God so works in the heart of a lost soul that they open the door, allowing you to present God’s plan of salvation. An example would be Lydia, in Acts 16:14, “…whose heart the Lord opened…” when Paul shared the gospel with her. So pray for open doors. Pray that the Lord would powerfully convict, through the Holy Spirit, before and during your time of sharing the gospel. In 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Paul asked for prayer that, when he ministered the Word, “the word of the Lord may have free course.” So it is appropriate for us to pray that the power and effectiveness of God’s Word in the gospel will lodge in the heart unhindered.

Surely there is someone in your path that is lost and headed for eternal punishment. Learn from our mistake. Seize the opportunity now. Don’t delay in sharing the gospel, because they may not have much time left. Pray for prepared hearts, then go share the gospel today.

To the Reader:

Some of our Two Minutes articles were written many years ago by Pastor C. R. Stam for publication in newspapers. When many of these articles were later compiled in book form, Pastor Stam wrote this word of explanation in the Preface:

"It should be borne in mind that the newspaper column, Two Minutes With the Bible, has now been published for many years, so that local, national and international events are discussed as if they occurred only recently. Rather than rewrite or date such articles, we have left them just as they were when first published. This, we felt, would add to the interest, especially since our readers understand that they first appeared as newspaper articles."

To this we would add that the same is true for the articles written by others that we continue to add, on a regular basis, to the Two Minutes library. We hope that you'll agree that while some of the references in these articles are dated, the spiritual truths taught therein are timeless.

Two Minutes with the Bible lets you start your day with short but powerful Bible study articles from the Berean Bible Society. Sign up now to receive Two Minutes With the Bible every day in your email inbox. We will never share your personal information and you can unsubscribe at any time.

The Times, They Are A-changin’ – Acts 16:6-11



Now that the Bible is complete, the Spirit speaks only through the Book He wrote. But here (v.6), He spoke either audibly or by a vision (cf.v.9).

Two years later, the Spirit did let Paul preach in Asia (19: 10), but not here. This was perhaps due to the way Paul was preaching. He was just going from one small town to the next, and “all Asia” would never hear the Word that way! In Acts 19, Paul taught his disciples in a school and converted some disputers, and they all went out together to preach. So the Spirit forbad him to preach in Asia until he examined his methods and learned how to improve them as an adult son.

That’s how God sees us! Jewish fathers recognized that their boys were sons on the day of their adoption, a day that today they call their bar mitzvah. God adopted you when you got saved (Gal.4:4-6), so He now sees you as an adult son. That means we must make our own decisions, and not wait to hear the voice of our Father guiding us every step of the way.

But you needn’t worry about the lost souls in Asia who died in the two years it took Paul to get there, for they heard the kingdom gospel when Jews who believed it at Pentecost brought it back to them 12 years earlier (Acts 2:9). We know the kingdom gospel was also preached in Bithynia (Acts 16:7) because Peter wrote a letter to saints there (IPe.1:1).

The Spirit told Paul where not to go, but didn’t tell him where to go right away, for He wanted to get Paul used to the idea that things were changing from Him telling Paul where to go to letting him decide as an adult son.

But eventually He told Paul to go to Macedonia (Acts 16:9), the area above Greece where the Mideast meets Europe. He didn’t tell Paul to go there because He loves white Europeans more than black Africans or other peoples. He just knew they’d receive the gospel faster, and word of it would get out faster. That’s not a racist thing to say, it’s a generational thing. At that time they were more open to the gospel, and the church in Greece did get it out fast (IThes.1:9). The Romans in Italy helped (Rom.1:8) by using the famous Roman roads. It helped when Paul was thrown in the palace slammer, and the royals heard about it (Phil.1:13). They wanted to meet this famous prisoner, and some of them got saved (4:22). When word of that got out down those Roman roads, it made it acceptable to be a Christian—even posh!

When Paul first passed through Galatia here (Acts 18:6) he had eye trouble (Gal.4:13-15) that Jewish kingdom prophets like Elijah used to be able to heal. But the prophet Silas (Acts 15:32) was with Paul (15:40,41), and couldn’t heal him because the dispensation was changing. God didn’t heal him, so he could learn how to be spiritually strong (IICor.12:7-9). Comparing the “they” of Acts 16:6,7 to the “we” of verse 10 shows Luke had joined Paul, Silas and Timothy (16:1-5). This proves things were changing, for Luke was a doctor (Col.4:14), and Paul now needed a doctor. God shut down Luke’s kingdom program, so he served God as Paul’s doctor.

We see a type of another dispensational change in the way God showed Paul this vision. In time past, God Himself appeared in men’s visions, or He sent an angel to appear in their visions to deliver His message. Paul saw a man delivering God’s message, typifying how today God’s messengers are men, not angels. We see this change first typified when Saul saw Ananias in a dream right after the dispensation began with his conversion (Acts 9:11,12). We see another dispensational change typified when the man begged Paul to come. In time past, God ordered men to do things. That typifies the difference between law and grace. For example, under the law, God commanded men to walk in His ways through Moses (Deut.5:33). Under grace, God beseeches us to walk in His ways through Paul (Eph.4:1; IThes.4:1). The dispensations they were achangin’!

A video of this sermon is available on YouTube: “The Dispensations Are A-changin” Acts 16:6-11

Máxima seguridad – Efesios 1:13

Abraham Lincoln creó el Servicio Secreto el 14 de abril de 1865, el día en que fue asesinado. Aunque originalmente se diseñó para descubrir monedas falsificadas, sus agentes comenzaron a vigilar a tiempo completo al presidente después del asesinato en 1901 del presidente William McKinley. Además de rastrear cerca de 1,500 amenazas de muerte presidenciales cada año, y coordinar sus esfuerzos con varias agencias gubernamentales, los agentes del Servicio Secreto actúan como guardaespaldas. Al igual que los soldados de la policía y los militares, los agentes del Servicio Secreto también hacen un juramento para cumplir con su deber, sabiendo que pueden perder la vida. Se espera que brinden la máxima seguridad a los presidentes de los Estados Unidos, independientemente del costo personal que esto les pueda traer.

Necesitamos la máxima seguridad también en el ámbito espiritual. Nuestro Salvador no “recibió una bala” por nosotros, sino que voluntariamente sufrió tres clavos y una lanza, mientras entregó su vida para rescatar del castigo eterno a los pecadores perdidos. Afortunadamente, una vez que confiamos en la obra terminada del Señor Jesucristo como nuestra única esperanza para la vida eterna, recibimos el perdón completo y la seguridad eterna. Efesios 1:13 nos dice que en el momento en que solo confiamos en Cristo, somos “sellados con el Espíritu Santo que había sido prometido”. Es interesante que Dios eligiera utilizar la palabra “sellado” para describir cuán seguros estamos en nuestra salvación. Estamos sellados como una bóveda para que nadie, ni siquiera Satanás, pueda penetrar para robarnos la posesión valorada de Dios. Estamos sellados como una lata de fruta preciosa para que el aire exterior no pueda dañar lo que está adentro y para que el producto adquirido no se derrame o se pierda. Romanos 8:35 confirma este principio, explicando que nada “nos separará del amor de Cristo” y no podemos hacer nada para evitarlo. También estamos sellados como un documento legal, identificado por una marca hecha en cera, o por una firma oficial. El Espíritu Santo residente es el agente especial de Dios designado con el deber de mantener nuestra salvación segura. Desde el momento en que confiamos en Cristo, su presencia interior (II Corintios 1:22; I Corintios 6:19) es como un sello autoritario que garantiza que estamos “sellados para el día de la redención” (Efesios 4:30).

No confíes en tus sentimientos, tu historial de comportamiento pecaminoso o lo que otros dicen acerca de perder tu salvación. Confía en lo que Dios dice en Su Palabra. La Escritura declara que estamos sellados por el Espíritu Santo, y nos promete que estamos eternamente seguros. Regocíjate en esta verdad y compártela con alguien hoy.   

Maximum Security – Ephesians 1:13

Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service on April 14, 1865, the day he was assassinated. Although it was originally designed to discover counterfeit currencies, its agents began watching over president’s full time following the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley. In addition to tracking nearly 1,500 presidential death threats each year, and coordinating their efforts with various government agencies, Secret Service agents act as bodyguards. Like the police and military soldiers, Secret Service agents also take an oath to fulfill their duty, knowing one’s life may be lost. They are expected to provide maximum security to United States presidents, regardless of personal cost.

We need maximum security in the spiritual realm also. Our Savior did not “take a bullet” for us, but He willingly suffered three nails and a spear, as He laid down His life to ransom lost sinners from eternal punishment. Thankfully, once we trust in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ as our only hope for eternal life, we are given complete forgiveness and eternal security. Ephesians 1:13 tell us that at the moment we trust in Christ alone, we are “sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.” It is interesting that God chose to use the word “sealed” to describe how secure we are in our salvation. We are sealed like a vault so that no one, not even Satan, can break in to steal us, God’s valued possession. We are sealed like a can of precious fruit so that the outside air cannot damage what is inside, nor can the purchased product spill or be lost. Romans 8:35 confirms this principle, explaining that nothing can “separate us from the love of Christ” —nothing we can do, nor anything that happens to us. We are also sealed like a legal document, identified by a mark made in wax, or by an official signature. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the special agent of God designated with the duty of keeping our salvation secure. From the moment we trust in Christ, His indwelling presence (II Corinthians 1:22; I Corinthians 6:19) is like an authoritative stamp guaranteeing that we are “sealed unto the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).

Don’t trust your feelings, your track record of sinful behavior, or what others say about losing your salvation. Trust in what God says in His Word. Scripture states that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, and promised that we are eternally secure. Rejoice in this truth and share it with someone today.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

Confianza en la muerte

En los cuarenta años de mi ministerio he visto a muchas personas acercarse a la muerte y he visto morir a algunas.

Algunos, que conocían a Cristo como su Salvador, estaban listos, incluso ansiosos, de ir a estar con Él. Algunos pasaron de esta escena con canciones o palabras de elogio en sus labios. Otros, que no se prepararon, murieron con un miedo mortal, no solo de la muerte, sino de lo que hay más allá.

Sin embargo, estas cosas no siempre son verdaderas, porque también he visto a los incrédulos más endurecidos salir de esta vida bromeando y aparentemente sin miedo, mientras que, por otro lado, he visto a cristianos sinceros encogerse de miedo ante la proximidad de muerte. Estas reacciones humanas no cambiaron el hecho de que los incrédulos tenían motivos para tener miedo, mientras que los creyentes no tenían por qué haber tenido miedo.

La Palabra de Dios nos dice que “está establecido a los hombres que mueran una sola vez, y después de esto el juicio” (Hebreos 9:27,28). Es el “después de esto” lo que hace que los hombres teman tanto morir. Temen la verdad de Rom. 14:12, que “cada uno de nosotros dará cuenta de sí mismo a Dios”.

Pero espera: no citamos todo Heb. 9:27,28. El pasaje completo dice así:

“Y como está establecido para los hombres que mueran una sola vez, pero después de esto el juicio; así Cristo fue ofrecido una vez para llevar los pecados de muchos; y a los que le buscan, se les aparecerá por segunda vez, sin pecado, para salvación.”

Esto solo puede significar una cosa: que Cristo murió por nosotros y cargó con el juicio por nuestros pecados, la “segunda muerte”. Por eso Heb. 2:9-15 declara que “por la gracia de Dios” Cristo “gustó la muerte por todos… para que por [su] muerte pudiera… librar a los que por el temor de la muerte estaban toda la vida sujetos a servidumbre”.

Un claro evangelio – Efesios 1:13

Las instrucciones claras y precisas son vitales. Después de que un avión golpeó el World Trade Center el 11 de septiembre, un empleado de Aon Insurance Company en el piso 93 había comenzado su escape. Pero regresó a su oficina porque los oficiales de seguridad anunciaron que el edificio estaba a salvo y que todos deberían permanecer adentro hasta que les dijeran que se fueran. Antes de morir, habló por teléfono con su padre y le dijo: “¿Por qué los escuché? No debería haberlo hecho”.1

Un desastre ocurrió una vez que Adán y Eva pecaron en el Jardín del Edén. Ellos hundieron a toda la raza humana en la culpa del pecado, condenando a cada uno de nosotros al castigo eterno en el Lago de Fuego. Nuestra única esperanza es ser rescatados. Desafortunadamente, hay muchas voces que envían instrucciones errantes, lo que resulta en la confusión de muchos en cuanto a cómo encontrar el escape de la destrucción eterna. Algunas voces dicen que no hay infierno. Otras voces dicen que solo puedes escapar si realizas ciertas obras religiosas, o si eres miembro de su iglesia. Trágicamente, algunas voces confunden el mensaje que apunta a la cruz del Calvario como nuestra única esperanza al decir cosas como “Dale tu corazón a Jesús” o “Haz que Jesús sea el Señor de tu vida”. Es imperativo que nosotros, que conocemos a Cristo como nuestro Salvador usemos palabras claras, precisas y bíblicas cuando queramos persuadir a otras personas a huir de la destrucción eterna. Efesios 1:13 nos dice que es una cuestión de confiar solo en Cristo. Este versículo dice: “En él también ustedes, habiendo oído la palabra de verdad, el evangelio de su salvación…” Debemos poner toda nuestra confianza en el Señor Jesucristo como nuestra única esperanza para el perdón y la vida eterna. “Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, conforme a las Escrituras; que fue sepultado y que resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras” (I Corintios 15:3-4). Debemos confiar en Su muerte como el pago de nuestros pecados y aceptar la vida eterna como un “obsequio” (Romanos 5:15-16,18). No debemos confiar en nuestro mérito, porque “… por gracia son salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de ustedes pues es don de Dios. No es por obras, para que nadie se gloríe” (Efesios 2:8-9). Asegúrate que tu presentación del evangelio sea clara y precisa. Debes hacer énfasis en que las almas perdidas necesitan confiar solo en la obra terminada de Cristo.

A Clear Gospel – Ephesians 1:13

Clear and accurate instructions are vital. After a plane hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, an employee of Aon Insurance Company on the 93rd floor had begun his escape. But he returned to his office because security officers made the announcement that the building was safe, and everyone should stay inside until they were told to leave. Before he died, he spoke to his father on the phone saying, “Why did I listen to them – I shouldn’t have.”

A disaster took place once Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. They plunged the entire human race into the guilt of sin, condemning each one of us to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. Our only hope is to be rescued. Unfortunately, there are many voices that send errant instructions, resulting in many who remain confused as to how to find escape from eternal destruction. Some voices say there is no hell. Other voices say you can only escape if you perform certain religious works, or if you are a member of their church. Tragically, some voices garble the message that points to the cross of Calvary as our only hope by saying things like, “Give your heart to Jesus,” or “Make Jesus the Lord of your life.” It is imperative that we who know Christ as Savior use clear, accurate, biblical words when we persuade others to flee from eternal destruction. Ephesians 1:13 tells us it is a matter of choosing to trust in Christ alone. This verse says, “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation…” We must place our entire trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our only hope for forgiveness and eternal life. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures” (I Corinthians 15:3-4). We must trust in His death as the payment for our sins and accept eternal life as a “free gift” (Romans 5:15-16,18). We must not trust in our merit, because “…by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Make sure your presentation of the gospel is clear and accurate. Emphasize that lost souls need to trust in the finished work of Christ alone.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

Viendo el panorama general – Efesios 1:8-11

Nuestro nieto es un buen alumno, pero no siempre es un participante dispuesto. Prefiere jugar con sus hermanos, ver televisión o jugar videojuegos. Cuando lo llaman a la mesa para que reanude las tareas escolares, a veces se queja y le pregunta por qué tiene que hacerlo. En este punto, no puede ver que lo que está aprendiendo ahora es clave para que se convierta en un adulto feliz, productivo y en pleno funcionamiento. Pero un día verá la gran imagen y se dará cuenta de lo importante que ha sido su educación temprana.

En Efesios, Capítulo uno, Dios reveló el panorama general de su plan para un estado eterno. Anteriormente, “el misterio de su voluntad” (1:9) se había mantenido en secreto, pero ahora Dios abre el telón para revelar su plan final. Es, “a manera de plan para el cumplimiento de los tiempos: que en Cristo sean reunidas bajo una cabeza todas las cosas, tanto las que están en los cielos como las que están en la tierra” (1:10). Dios cumplirá su promesa de arrebatar a los creyentes de la dispensación de la gracia hacia el cielo, y luego traerá siete años de tribulación. Esto será seguido por el reinado milenario de Cristo sobre la tierra. Entonces los cielos y la tierra serán renovados por fuego para prepararse para un estado eterno (II Pedro 3:10-14). Efesios 1:8-11 revela los eventos que siguen. “Todas las cosas”, tanto en el cielo como en la tierra, serán “reunidas” o unidas “en Cristo”. Satanás y sus fuerzas, que ahora ocupan los cielos atmosféricos e intentan frustrar la causa de Cristo, ya habrán sido desterrados al Lago de Fuego. El Cuerpo de Cristo ocupará para siempre estos reinos celestiales (Efesios 2:6-7). Todas las almas perdidas y los restos del pecado serán eliminados, y los redimidos de Israel ocuparán la tierra nueva. Tanto nosotros en el cielo y redimimos de Israel en la tierra serviremos felizmente a Dios el Padre y a Dios el Hijo, que habitará en la Nueva Jerusalén en la Tierra. Los ocupantes del cielo y la Tierra se unirán en armonía, alegría, servicio a Dios y obediencia voluntaria. Este es el panorama general del plan de Dios para la eternidad; y la Palabra de Dios declara que los que creemos “recibimos herencia” en este futuro (1:11).¿Ves el panorama general? Dios quiere que nos demos cuenta de que las cosas de esta vida no son tan importantes como nuestra existencia eterna. Los que son salvos deben priorizar tener un “buen fundamento para el porvenir para que echen mano de la vida verdadera” (I Timoteo 6:19). ¡Tienes que ser fiel!

Seeing the Big Picture – Ephesians 1:8-11

Our grandson is a good learner, but he’s not always a willing participant. He’d rather play with his brothers, watch TV, or play video games. When he is called to the table to resume schoolwork, he sometimes complains and asks why he has to do so. At this point, he can’t see that what he is learning now is key to him becoming a happy, productive, fully functioning adult. But one day he’ll see the big picture and realize how important his early education has been.

In Ephesians, Chapter One, God revealed the big picture of His plan for an eternal state. Previously, “the mystery of His will” (1:9) had been kept secret, but now God pulls back the curtain to reveal His ultimate plan. It is “that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him” (1:10). God will fulfill His promise to rapture believers from the Dispensation of Grace into heaven, and then bring seven years of tribulation. This will be followed by the millennial reign of Christ upon the earth. Then the heavens and earth will be renovated by fire to prepare for an eternal state (II Peter 3:10-14). Ephesians 1:8-11 reveals the events that follow. “All things,” both in heaven and earth, will be “gathered together,” or united, “in Christ.” Satan and his forces, now occupying the atmospheric heavens and attempting to thwart the cause of Christ, will have already been banished to the Lake of Fire. The Body of Christ will forever occupy these heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6-7). All lost souls, and remnants of sin, will be removed, and the redeemed of Israel will occupy the new earth. Both we in heaven and redeemed Israel on earth will happily serve God the Father and God the Son, who will dwell in the New Jerusalem on Earth. Occupants of both heaven and Earth will be united in harmony, joy, service to God, and in willing obedience. This is the big picture of God’s plan for eternity; and God’s Word declares we who believe have “an inheritance” in this future (1:11).

Do you see the big picture? God would have us realize that the things of this life are not as important as our eternal existence. Those who are saved must prioritize “laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come…” (I Timothy 6:19). Be faithful!

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."