
We thank God for those that support this ministry financially.  We put every dollar to good use to “make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery.”  Your donations allow us to carry on our publishing, Bible conference and website ministries.

We provide several convenient ways to donate:

One-Time Donation

If you would like to make a one-time donation, visit our One-Time Donation page.

From Your PayPal Account

If you have a PayPal account and would prefer to donate directly from your PayPal balance, you can send your donation to Please include a note making it clear that this is a donation.  If you have a specific area of our ministry that you’d like to designate, include that in your note as well.

Memorial Gifts

Memorial gifts are given in memory of an individual who has passed away. Acknowledgment is sent to the donor, and a sympathy card is sent to the family upon request.  If you would like to make a one-time donation, visit our Memorial Gifts page.

Automatic Monthly Donation

If you would like to make an automatic donation each month, you can register for an Automatic Monthly Donation.  You can change your monthly donation details at any time and you will receive an email confirmation when your donation is submitted each month.

You can manage your existing monthly donation by logging in to the new Donor Dashboard.

Wills and Estates

If you are planning to draw up a will this year or update one that’s outdated, please consider including Berean Bible Society in your estate planning. For more information, please call us at 262-255-4750.

You might also consider speaking to a Christian financial advisor about other creative ways to help meet the needs of the Lord’s work, such as a charitable trust, or naming BBS as the beneficiary on your life insurance policy or retirement account. These are a few ways to ensure that your legacy will be used to the glory of God.