Audio Sermons

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Sermon Series # Sermons
1 John
Pastor Ken Lawson
22 sermons
1 Timothy
Pastor Ricky Kurth
30 sermons
2 & 3 John
Pastor Ricky Kurth
4 sermons
2 Thessalonians
Pastor Ricky Kurth
19 sermons
2 Timothy
Pastor Ricky Kurth
24 sermons
2 Timothy (Abbreviated and Updated, 2023)
Pastor Ricky Kurth
1 sermon
Pastor Ricky Kurth
79 sermons
An Examination of the Acts 28 Position
Pastor Ricky Kurth
4 sermons
Bible Time Radio Broadcast by Pastor C.R. Stam
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
546 sermons
Booklet Messages
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
34 sermons
Christ and the Mystery
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
3 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
46 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
23 sermons
Delivered From the Wrath to Come
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
4 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
90 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
8 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
25 sermons
God's Plan for Our Spiritual Warfare
Pastor Ricky Kurth
Pastor Don Hosfeld
4 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
6 sermons
Historical Treasure Trove
Pastor Charles Baker
Pastor Floyd Baker
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Pastor Ken Lyon
Pastor Ricky Kurth
Pastor Otis Wasson
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Pastor S. Lee Homoki
Pastor William Thurmond
Pastor Rollin Wilson
Pastor Win Johnson
Pastor Rick Mazek
Pastor Joe Watkins
Dr. Edward Bedore
Pastor Henry F. Kulp
Pastor Harland Shriver
Pastor Pastor H. Bultema
Pastor H. Bultema
Pastor Don Elifson
Pastor Dennis Kiszonas
Pastor David Caslander
Pastor David Adams
Pastor Dan Waldrop
Pastor Clarence Ferwerda
Art Sims
Don Webb

Casey Groeneveld
182 sermons
Pastor Ken Lawson
22 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
20 sermons
Lending Library Messages - Paul M. Sadler
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
109 sermons
Matthew 24
Pastor Ricky Kurth
3 sermons
More Than Conquerors In Christ
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
4 sermons
Overview of Ephesians
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
6 sermons
Pastor J. C. O'Hair's Testimony
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
2 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
9 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
24 sermons
Rightly Dividing the New Testament
Pastor Ricky Kurth
3 sermons
Romans (Dave Stewart)
Dave Stewart
57 sermons
Romans (Don Hosfeld)
Pastor Don Hosfeld
52 sermons
The Church
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
3 sermons
The Future Comings of Christ
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
2 sermons
The General Epistles
Pastor Ricky Kurth
5 sermons
The Gospel of John
Pastor Ricky Kurth
109 sermons
The Miracles of Christ
Pastor Kevin Sadler
33 sermons
Three Bible Churches
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
4 sermons
Pastor Ricky Kurth
16 sermons
What Difference Does Rightly Dividing Make?
Pastor Ricky Kurth
3 sermons
What It Means To Be A Grace Believer
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
4 sermons
Individual Messages
Titus 3:8-15
Pastor Kevin Sadler
Following Paul – Philippians 3:17-21
Pastor Ricky Kurth
The Obedience of Paul – Acts 26:19-32
Pastor Ricky Kurth
The Anniversary of a Church – 2 Kings 22:1-17
Pastor Ricky Kurth
To Tithe or Not to Tithe – Malachi 3:8-10
Pastor Ricky Kurth
This Man
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The First Coming and the Second Coming of Christ
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
No Man Hath Ascended Into Heaven
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Songs of Deliverance
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Finishing the Course
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Builder and His Building – 1 Corinthians 3:12-15
Pastor Ricky Kurth
Peace With God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
How to Abide Forever
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Songs of Deliverance
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Concerning Stephen
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Jesus Christ As the Author and Finisher of Our Faith
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Future Plan for Israel
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Greater Works of John 14:16
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
How God Uses Weak and Foolish Things
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Laboring Together on Paul’s Foundation – 1 Corinthians 3:9-11
Pastor Ricky Kurth
James 2
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Spiritual Babies – 1 Corinthians 3:1-8
Pastor Ricky Kurth
How the Chief of Sinners Became the Pattern Saint
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The God of All Grace
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Our Love For God and God’s Love For Us
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Two Promises
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
As Cold Water to a Thirsty Soul
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Worldly Wisdom vs. the Wisdom of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Good News and Good Works
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
What Kind of Church?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God Will Have All Men To Be Saved
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Inexcusable Ignorance of God’s Program for Today
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Social Gospel and the Saving Gospel
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Paul’s Epistles to Timothy
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Power for Christian Service
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd and the Chief Shepherd
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Separation and Service
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Will You Let God Save You?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Christ, Calvary, Baptism
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Shall We Continue In Sin That Grace May Abound?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Where Are the Dead?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
What More Could God Have Done?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
What Are We Laying Up In Heaven?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
I Saw Satan As Lightning Fall From Heaven
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
When Jesus Was Here Among Men
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Are You A “Hope So” Church Member or a “Know So” Bible Christian?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Divine Cure for Heart Trouble
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Manifold Wisdom and the Manifold Grace of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Law’s Condemnation and Solution – Romans 3:19-26
Pastor Ricky Kurth
A Very Serious Mistake That Can Never Be Corrected
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The House of Israel and the House of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Be On the Alert for the Unexpected
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Love for Christ — God’s Love for Israel — God’s Love for the Church — God’s Love for the World
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
By Many Infallible Proofs
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Divine Healing
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Methuselah, Enoch, Noah and Moses
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
In the Sight of the Lord is Both Perfect and Imperfect
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Jesus Christ, The Author and the Finisher of Our Faith
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
We Shall Not All Die
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Man Dieth, and Where Is He?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Sometimes God Gets Angry
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Lord Is Not Slack
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Work Out Your Own Salvation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
A Condensed History of the World
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Crown of Death and the Crown of Life
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Greatest Foreign Missionary of All Time
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Wisdom of This World
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Coming Prince of Peace
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Waiting For Our Adoption
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Stand Fast and Steadfast
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Answer to the Greatest Question
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Farming and Fishing
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Who Shall Roll Away the Stone?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Liberty and Life
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Was Paul the Chief of Sinners?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Seven Kingdom Parables
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Our Heavenly Position
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Prophet, Priest and Coming King
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
A Prophet Like Unto Me
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Differences Between Evangelicals and Protestants
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Faith That Produces Good Works
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Names of God in the New Testament
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Number One Church
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Kings of the Earth
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
A Story of Three Lame Men
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Alienation and Reconciliation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Our Forerunner
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Triumphal Entry
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
A Christless Christianity in a Condemned World
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Two Great Suppers of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Psalms of Deliverance
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Stephen’s Short Ministry
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Soul and Spirit
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Moses and Christ
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
A Great Supper
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Living, Glorified Man at God’s Right Hand
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
We Would See Jesus
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Tears of Jeremiah, Christ and Paul
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
No Judgment To Them That Are In Christ
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Word Became Flesh
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Christ — King of Israel and Head of the Church
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Hope of This World
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Keeping Power of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Who Hath Believed Our Report?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
When God Turned From the Nation of Israel to the Gentiles
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Life Beyond the Grave
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Born From Above
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
This Is Life Eternal
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Eternal and Infallible Word
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Last Days
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Reconciliation and Identification
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Peter and Paul at Jerusalem
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Passover and the Lord’s Supper
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
What is NOT and What IS the Full Gospel?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Paul’s Sign Ministry in Ephesus
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Hope of Glory
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Ability and Responsibility in Our Salvation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
One Sure Way to Heaven
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Four Wonderful Bible Verses
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Door That God Opened
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Ambassadors of Reconciliation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Three Laws
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Being a Christian
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Saving of the Soul
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Who is this Son of Man?
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Grace Hath Appeared To All Men
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Wonderful Titles of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Uttermost Salvation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Son of Man is Seeking
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Accepted in the Beloved
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The New Man
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Ephesians 4
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Vessels of Honor
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Christian Perfection
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Songs of Deliverance
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday and Forever
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Saint Factory
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Two Men of the Bible
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Agreement Between Peter and Paul
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Grace of God
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Paul Born Out of Due Time
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Righteous Standing and State
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Fundamentalism and Liberalism
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Almost Saved As By Fire
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Romans 6:23
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
What God Committed to His Servants
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Romans 11
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
It Doth Yet Appear
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Book of James, Dispensationally
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Administration of Condemnation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Christians in the Midst of a Groaning Creation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Israel Blinded
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Brethren Dwell Together in Unity
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God Be Merciful to Me A Sinner
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Christ in Gethsemane
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Paul’s Trip From Ephesus
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Truth of Ephesians and Colossians
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Great Potter
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Romans 13 and 14
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Peculiar People Zealous of Good Works
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s Investment in Christians
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Then is the Offence of the Cross Ceased
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Divine Power for the Human Race
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Occupy Till I Come
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Purpose of Miracles in the Bible
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
God’s New Creation
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Stephen’s Short Ministry
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Spiritual Ignorance
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Psalm 32:7
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Unsearchable Secrets of Christ
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
Transformed, Transferred and Transfigured
Pastor J. C. O'Hair
The Preaching of the Cross
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
The Knowledge of the Mystery
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
The Fellowship of His Sufferings
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
My First Lesson in Rightly Dividing
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Methuselah and Paul
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Introduction to Paul’s and Peter’s Epistles
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Intelligent Christianity
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Separated Unto the Gospel of God
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
The Faithful Word
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
Faithful Pastors
Pastor Paul M. Sadler
75th Anniversary Conference Messages