John 21:8-14 – Unlicensed Fishermen



Peter impulsively jumped in the sea to swim to the Lord (John 21:7) while John methodically rowed the boat to shore (v.8), showing that God calls all kinds of people with all kinds of personalities and can use them all.

The Lord made them fishers of men (Mt.4:19) but after they caught men, they had to be brought to the shore of the kingdom, as the apostles were doing here (John 21:8). This illustrates how after men are caught they have to be taught to guide them to glory, even today (ITim.2:4). Today, in this dispensation, this involves establishing them in the truth of the mystery (Rom.16:25)

The “little ship” (John 21:8) they dragged the fish to shore in wasn’t the one they went fishing in (21:3). So how come they were able to get the fish to shore, something the bigger ship couldn’t do when the Lord called them to be fishers of men (Luke 5:7)? The big ship was a type of the unbelieving nation of Israel, and as long as the apostles were part of that nation they couldn’t get the men they caught to the shore of the kingdom. Remember, it was unbelief that made them go fishing in that boat in the first place here in John 21.

Originally the Lord wanted to use the big ship of the nation to catch men, to make them “builders” of the kingdom (Acts 4:10,11), but when they refused to believe, God took the kingdom from them (Mt.21:42,43) and gave it to the lit-tle flock of His followers (Lu.12:32), making them catchers of men who guided thousands of men to the kingdom (Acts 2:4; 4:4) in the little flock, represented by this little ship.

Notice they were “not far from land” (John 21:8), a picture of how they were not far from the kingdom at that time (Mt.4:17; Mark 12:34).

The Lord didn’t make a coal of fires (John 21:9) to remind Peter of His denials (John 18:18-25), He’d forgiven him. Fires of coal represented jealousy (Song 8:6), and Moses predicted that God would provoke Israel to jealousy (Deut.32:21) using the little flock (IPe.2:9,10). When the 12 brought 3,000 and then 5,000 to the Lord, it worked!

When the Lord served bread and fish to the 5,000, it was a type of the kingdom. The Jews had enough to eat, with leftovers for the Gentiles (John 6:13 cf. Mt. 15:27). Dining with the Lord on this meal of bread and fish was also a type of the kingdom (Lu.22:29,30).

If getting the fish to shore was a type of bringing men to the kingdom, then in John 21:10 we see a picture of the Lord asking them to present the men they caught before Him, something you also see in Ps.126:6 (cf. Mt.13;30).

The number of the fish they caught (John 21:11) is not sig-nificant, but the fact that they were numbered is. It repre-sents how the exact number of people who are saved will be known when we get to glory, but not until (IITim.2:19).

How come the net broke in Luke 5:6, but not here? Well, compare how the Lord warned that if the new wine of the Spirit (Acts 2:4,13) were put into the old bottles of Israel’s leaders, the bottles would break and the Spirit would run out (Mt.9:17). The new wine of the Spirit had to be put into the new bottles of the little flock, and they’d be preserved as well as the Spirit. You see, not everyone filled with the Spirit at Pentecost was saved (Heb.6:4-6). They were filled with the new wine of the Spirit, but needed good leaders to guide them to the shore of the kingdom, so God put the new wine of the Spirit in the new bottles of the apostles, and the bottles didn’t break and the Spirit was preserved in them and in their followers. That couldn’t be done until the apostles left the big ship of the nation and got into the little ship of the little flock. You’re seeing the same imagery here with the net not breaking.

At the outset of the Lord’s ministry, Israel was told to “come and see” their messiah (John 1:45,46), but the ones who knew He was their Lord and Messiah could “come and dine” with Him (John 21:12). The Lord didn’t give thanks at the meal (John 21:13 cf. 6:11) because this is a picture of the kingdom, where He’ll be receiving thanks, not giving it.

An Example in Forgiving

Recently, the news of the death of South Africa’s Nelson Mandela dominated all newscasts. He was heralded as one of the greatest men of our day. People equated him to Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Mother Teresa, “all rolled into one.” His acclaim originated over his stand against racial injustices and inequalities in a country predominately ruled by whites. He spent 27 years in prison for his protests and alleged crimes, even refusing a release that was offered to him on the condition of renouncing his calls to revolution. Once released, he did not seek any revenge against those who had him incarcerated. Instead he preached forgiveness and healing. Eventually, Nelson Mandela rose to the highest office in his country, and at his funeral presidents, kings, prime ministers, and celebrities from all around the world came to honor him at a memorial service.

While witnessing all this worldwide news coverage for days, and hearing the constant acclaim for this man, this writer could not help thinking: “I know a far greater man who gave forgiveness to many and preached the good news of forgiveness.” Do you know this man? It was the God-man, God in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Savior came to Israel with the offer of the Gospel of the Kingdom, therein offering the forgiveness of sins. He taught His followers to pray to the Father for forgiveness (on the condition they must forgive others [Matt. 6:12-15]). When He healed a man sick with palsy he stated: “Son…thy sins be forgiven thee” (Matt. 9:2), and He taught Peter the necessity to forgive one who came asking forgiveness and to do so as many times as the one asking was sincere (Matt. 18:21-35).

Actually, the Lord Jesus Christ came offering divine forgiveness to all of Israel. Peter told his fellow Jews that Christ was now exalted to the right hand of God the Father in heaven “to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins” (Acts 5:31). This was the message of our Lord throughout His earthly ministry. He told His disciples He had come “to seek and to save them that are lost.”

Once Israel was set aside and the Apostle Paul was raised up by the Lord to minister to Gentiles, the message of forgiveness remained the focal point. The risen Savior explained Paul’s mission was to go to all the world, “to open their (sinners) eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they might receive the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 26:18). This would be done by pointing Jew and Gentile, man and woman, young and old, to personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their only hope for eternal life.

The Savior was the greatest example of forgiveness. Even after His enemies had Him falsely imprisoned, beaten, and crucified, He asked His Heavenly Father from the cross to “…forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). We know He could have called ten thousand angels to command His release from prison or the cross, but He refused, that He might pay the sin debt of the world so that you and I could be forgiven. Colossians 2:13 tells us that every believer has forgiveness so complete that He has “forgiven you ALL trespasses.” This God-man, our Savior, is one most worthy of our love, respect, and dedication. Rejoice in Him. Exalt His name!

To the Reader:

Some of our Two Minutes articles were written many years ago by Pastor C. R. Stam for publication in newspapers. When many of these articles were later compiled in book form, Pastor Stam wrote this word of explanation in the Preface:

"It should be borne in mind that the newspaper column, Two Minutes With the Bible, has now been published for many years, so that local, national and international events are discussed as if they occurred only recently. Rather than rewrite or date such articles, we have left them just as they were when first published. This, we felt, would add to the interest, especially since our readers understand that they first appeared as newspaper articles."

To this we would add that the same is true for the articles written by others that we continue to add, on a regular basis, to the Two Minutes library. We hope that you'll agree that while some of the references in these articles are dated, the spiritual truths taught therein are timeless.

Two Minutes with the Bible lets you start your day with short but powerful Bible study articles from the Berean Bible Society. Sign up now to receive Two Minutes With the Bible every day in your email inbox. We will never share your personal information and you can unsubscribe at any time.

John 21:1-7 – The King Is Still Alive



The Lord showed Himself twice to the apostles in the last chapter, and now a third time (21:1). The apostles were hanging around the Sea of Tiberias because it was also called the Sea of Galilee (John 6:1), and that’s where the Lord told them He would meet them (Mt.26:32; Mark 16:7), so all eleve headed there (Mt.28:16).

But only seven are mentioned here (21:7) because when the Lord didn’t show up when they thought He should, four left—but not Thomas! When He still didn’t show, Peter led the rest to return to their old fishing business. If the Lord doesn’t show up to Rapture you when you think He should, will you return to your old way of life of sin?This is the danger of setting dates for the Rapture, people get dis-couraged when He doesn’t show. The latest “blood moon” prophecies will also likely fail since they are based on the prophecy of Joel 2:31, and we are living in the time of the Mystery. No prophecies are being fulfilled today. Your apostle says to look for Christ (Tit.2:13), not blood moons

When I say they gave up hope on the Lord, they didn’t give up hope He’d risen, they’d already seen Him twice. They gave up hope He’d return, after disappearing on them. This makes them a type of Tribulation Jews who will know from the Word that He’s risen, but will be tempted to give up hope that He’ll return if He doesn’t come when they think He should. That’s why they’ll cry such things as are found in Psalm 6:3,4.

The sad part about Peter leading this declension (21:3) is that the Lord appointed Peter to strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:31) and He was weakening them here. Are you weakening someone who looks to you for spiritual strength by your poor example? Strengthen them the way Peter should have, by assuring them that the Lord will come! We can’t promise health or wealth or a solution to problems, but we can promise that!

The miracle of the fishes here is a repeat of the miracle the Lord worked to call the apostles (Luke 5:5). This was His way of telling them that He wasn’t mad at them for forsaking Him when He was arrested, He just wanted to start over. If you’ve disappointed the Lord, He’s not upset, He just wants you to start serving Him all over again.

But the Lord was also starting over with Israel. Beginning with that Luke 5 call of the 12 He had preached the king-dom to Israel, but they rejected it, and in repeating the miracle that called them to preach the kingdom, He was telling Israel He was going back to the beginning with her as well, giving them the same chance He was giving the 12.

They didn’t return to fishing to have something to do, they returned to fishing to have something to eat, and something to sell for money to buy clothes. The Lord asked if they caught anything (21:5) to point out their need of Him. This was a type of the Tribulation, when the Beast issues his mark and men won’t be able to buy food without it (Rev.13:17) no matter how much money they make. In that day they’ll have to remember to put the kingdom first and food and clothing will be added to them (Mt.6:25-33).

After the Lord called them by one of His favorite names for them in Verse 5, they perhaps began to suspect it was Him, and so these seasoned fishermen obeyed His instruction to try again, even after their skilled efforts had failed (v.6).

John was the first to realize the Lord has risen (John 20:8) and the first to realize this stranger was the Lord (21:7). This is a picture of His epistles. You see, one of the purposes of his epistles will be to identify the true Christ during the Tribulation (IJohn 5:20). John’s ability to identify the traitor (John 13:21-25) is a picture of the ability of his epistles to help identify the Antichrist also (IJo.2:22).

Ever wonder why Peter was naked? He was a type of James 2:15-17. When the Beast issues his mark, many saints will be naked and needing aid from the saints. As that passage makes clear, the very gospel of salvation in that day will include the need to minister to others in material things like food and clothing. We see their need pictured here in Peter.

The Deceivableness of Unrighteousness – 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12



Paul says that Antichrist will come with “all deceivableness of unrighteousness.” The word “deceive” means to trick someone, but people are tricked by different things. The deceivableness of youth can make you fall for things you wouldn’t fall for if you were older and wiser. The deceivableness of heartbreak will make you fall for any-thing that anyone suggests to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back. But the deceivableness of unrighteousness comes from being unrighteous, unsaved. It makes men fall for things they wouldn’t fall for if they were saved, even things as silly as the Big Bang Theory, or evolution.

Of course, some unsaved people are deceived by some things and others are deceived by other things, but when Antichrist comes he will come with “all deceivableness of unrighteousness.” So when he claims to be Israel’s Christ, the unsaved will be deceived by him. After all, if even the elect can barely escape his deceit (Mt.24:24), the unsaved don’t stand a chance.

Specially since Paul says this deceivableness is “in” the unsaved who perish. That means Satan will have an inside man in that day. He’ll have Antichrist working from without “with all power, and signs,” and from within the unsaved in their natural inclination to be deceived by him.

If you think God is unfair to let Satan work from within and without in the unsaved, notice he will only be allowed to do this “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (IIThes.2:10). And it won’t be God’s fault they didn’t receive the love of the truth, for if they didn’t receive it, that means it was offered to them.

The “truth” is Christ (John 14:6), and they won’t receive Him for the same reason they didn’t receive Him when He was here, they love sin and know He’s against it (John 3:19,20). If they don’t receive the love of the Lord they will be “anathema,” or cursed (cf.ICor.16:22).

When men do receive the love of the truth it keeps and pre-

serves them (Pr.4:5,6). Remember, “wisdom” in that passage is a name for Christ (ICor.1:24). If they learn to love the Lord in the Tribulation, He will keep and preserve them by saving them and making them part of the elect who will be impossible to deceive. But those who don’t receive the love of the Truth will receive the love of the Antichrist, “and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion” (IIThes.2:11).

This is something God has always done. It was “because that” the Gentiles didn’t glorify God that He gave them up at the tower of Babel (Rom.1:21-24). After God raised up Abraham and taught him and his seed more about Himself, most of them didn’t want Him either, so God gave them up too (Ps.81:11,12; 109:17). If you don’t want God’s counsel, He will let you walk in your own. That’s how God judges men. Is there anything unfair about that?

Paul was probably thinking of Isaiah 66:3b,4 here. Speak-ing of the same Tribulation Jews that Paul is speaking of, Isaiah predicts they’ll choose something God doesn’t like, so He’ll choose a strong delusion they won’t like. The delusion they’ll choose is to offer animals in Antichrist’s idolatrous temple, which to God will be like offering something unclean (Isa.66:3a). Remember, Antichrist is called “the idol shepherd” (Zech.11:17). It is because they want idols that God will give them strong delusion to believe the lie, the ultimate idol, the beast, “that they all might be damned who believed not the truth” (IIThes.2:12).

Don’t feel sorry for these folks, they will have rejected the witness of Creation (Ps.19:1-3) and so are “without excuse (Rom.1:19,20). They won’t believe for the same reason men always don’t believe, they will have “pleasure in unrighteousness” (v.12). But Antichrist’s idolatrous religion will be for sin, making men think they could offer a sacrifice and be delivered to go out and sin more (Jer.7:9, 10). Idolatrous Christianity does the same thing, making men think they can go to the sacrifice of the mass and continue to sin. They don’t say that, but the Mafia reads them loud and clear. In the movies they kill and get absolution and do it again.

What’s in Your Treasure House?

The Persians kept the records of the executive orders issued by their kings “in the king’s treasure house” (Ezra 5:17), right alongside their riches of silver and gold (Ezra 7:20). Obviously, they considered the commandments of their king to be of equal value as their jewels and other treasures.

At the risk of sounding like a Capital One commercial, what’s in the treasure house of your heart? Can you say with the psalmist, “I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches?” (Psa. 119:14)? Or have you matured in the faith to where you can honestly stand before God and say to Him, “I love Thy commandments above fine gold” (Psa. 119:127), “more to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold” (Psa. 19:10). If not, it might be time for a prayerful reevaluation of the spiritual portfolio of your soul.

To the Reader:

Some of our Two Minutes articles were written many years ago by Pastor C. R. Stam for publication in newspapers. When many of these articles were later compiled in book form, Pastor Stam wrote this word of explanation in the Preface:

"It should be borne in mind that the newspaper column, Two Minutes With the Bible, has now been published for many years, so that local, national and international events are discussed as if they occurred only recently. Rather than rewrite or date such articles, we have left them just as they were when first published. This, we felt, would add to the interest, especially since our readers understand that they first appeared as newspaper articles."

To this we would add that the same is true for the articles written by others that we continue to add, on a regular basis, to the Two Minutes library. We hope that you'll agree that while some of the references in these articles are dated, the spiritual truths taught therein are timeless.

Two Minutes with the Bible lets you start your day with short but powerful Bible study articles from the Berean Bible Society. Sign up now to receive Two Minutes With the Bible every day in your email inbox. We will never share your personal information and you can unsubscribe at any time.

John 20:24-29 – When Thomas Stayed Home From Church



When Thomas stayed home from church, He missed the Lord’s appearance (v.24). You won’t miss the Lord if you stay home, but you might miss having your doubts removed as they did. The opposite of doubt is faith, so if you have doubts, go to where the Word’s taught (Rom.10:17)!

Thomas doubted despite all the proof He’d seen that Jesus was the Christ, as Israel doubted after all they’d seen and couldn’t enter the Promised Land (Ps.78:10-22). Thomas is a type of Tribulation Jews whom God will warn, using Israel’s past unbelief, to believe or miss out on entering the kingdom (Heb. 3:8-13), and we see this typified in Thomas.

Thomas was called Didymus, which means twain and “Thomas” is from the Hebrew for “twin” (Gen.25:24), a reference to his split personality, strong faith (Jo.11:6) and then doubt. Knowing this typified Israel’s past, God warns Tribulation Jews not to miss out on the kingdom that way.

This is the only time the nails of the cross are mentioned (Jo.20:25).The Romans sometimes tied victims to the cross, but here the Lord fulfilled Psalm 22:16 and proved that open theism is wrong, since God knew in advance how they’d affix Him to the cross. By the way, how big was the Lord’s side wound that Thomas could thrust his hand into it

When the Lord was gracious to Thomas for his unbelief (v.26), that makes all this a type of Zechariah 12:10. Thomas was a type of Tribulation Jews who won’t believe till they see the wounds in His hands (Zech.13:6).

Thomas answers those who say the apostles were gullible, and would believe anything the Lord told them, like that He rose from the dead. Thomas demanded evidence!

The Lord appeared again on the 8th day (Jo.20:26), the day of new beginnings. Abraham had to be circumcised on the 8th day (Gen.17:12) to symbolize the death of his old life and the beginning of his new live. That’s why the Lord’s death was called a circumcision (Col.2:11), a cutting off (Dan.9:26), and why your new life began when you were circumcised with Him by faith. So the “peace” the Lord offered here (Jo.20:26) is a picture of the peace the Jews will enjoy in their new life in the kingdom.

The Lord proved He hears all our conversations when He replied to what Thomas said to the apostles when He wasn’t around (Jo.20:25,27), so don’t be grieving the Lord (Eph.4:30) with your conversations!

How did Thomas know his Lord was his God (Jo.20:28)? He was talking to a man with a hand-sized hole in His side! He didn’t touch His wounds, knowing that would be irreverent, but you can (Mt.26:26,28), so you don’t forget what the Lord did for you. When Thomas called his Lord “God,” though, he typified Zechariah 13:6-9.

If Jesus wasn’t God, this would have been the time to tell them they were getting carried away thinking He was, as some accuse them of (cfActs10:25,26;14:11-15;Rev.22:8,9)

The Lord didn’t say, “because you touched Me you believe” (John 20:29). And when He blessed those who have not seen but believe, He wasn’t talking about you, the Body of Christ was a Mystery, He was speaking about Tribulation Jews who will believe on Christ before they look on Him whom they have pierced.

The “other signs” were not the miracles the Lord did before the multitudes, but “in the presence of His disciples” (20:30), speaking of things like the vanishing of Luke 24: 31, signs He did to His chosen witnesses (Acts 10:40,41). The signs that John did record, though, were written to help the Jews believe Jesus was their Christ, which was the gospel they had to believe to have eternal life (Jo.20:31).

Doubting Thomas was the only one to call the Lord “God.” The strongest affirmation to His deity came from a doubter! God used a thief at the Cross to attest the Lord’s deity, He used fraidy-cats Joseph and Nicodemus at His burial, He used Thomas at His resurrection and a rebel named Saul to affirm His deity in His ascension (ICor.1:26-28)!

Sanctified Service

In Hezekiah’s day, “the priests had not sanctified themselves sufficiently” (II Chron. 30:3), and “the Levites were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests” (II Chron. 29:34). Imagine that—men who wanted to serve the Lord, but who didn’t want to sanctify themselves; that is, they didn’t want to set themselves apart unto God (Ex. 13:2 cf. v. 12).

How about you? Are you long on wanting to serve the Lord but short on wanting to set yourself apart as holy unto Him? If so, you should know that “this is the will of God, even your sanctification” (I Thes. 4:3). The Lord gave Himself for the Church “that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word” (Eph. 5:25,26). Why not determine to bury yourself in God’s Word, with the goal of learning how to be as pure as He died to make you now, in this life (Titus 2:14), and become “a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use” (II Tim. 2:21).

To the Reader:

Some of our Two Minutes articles were written many years ago by Pastor C. R. Stam for publication in newspapers. When many of these articles were later compiled in book form, Pastor Stam wrote this word of explanation in the Preface:

"It should be borne in mind that the newspaper column, Two Minutes With the Bible, has now been published for many years, so that local, national and international events are discussed as if they occurred only recently. Rather than rewrite or date such articles, we have left them just as they were when first published. This, we felt, would add to the interest, especially since our readers understand that they first appeared as newspaper articles."

To this we would add that the same is true for the articles written by others that we continue to add, on a regular basis, to the Two Minutes library. We hope that you'll agree that while some of the references in these articles are dated, the spiritual truths taught therein are timeless.

Two Minutes with the Bible lets you start your day with short but powerful Bible study articles from the Berean Bible Society. Sign up now to receive Two Minutes With the Bible every day in your email inbox. We will never share your personal information and you can unsubscribe at any time.

John 20:19-23 – Who’s That At the Door?



The apostles didn’t meet to decide what to do now that the Lord had risen, for they didn’t believe the reports (Mark 16:14)! They met to discuss if the reports were true, a type of Jews in the Tribulation. After the Bible proves the Bible was right about the Rapture, they will meet to discuss if it might be right that Christ rose as well, and was their Messiah. Unsaved Jews won’t approve of such meetings so they’ll have to be done in secret, as pictured here.

First the apostles feared the Jews, then they feared the Lord (Lu.24:33-37), another type of Tribulation Jews. Once they decide Jesus was their Messiah, they’ll fear His wrath. That was Peter’s message at Pentecost, he blamed them for the crucifixion and threatened them with the resurrection!

You’d think that after they all forsook Him and Peter denied Him that the Lord would say “Shame on you,” but instead He said “Peace be to you” (v.19). If you’re beating yourself up about failing the Lord in the past, you’re the only one beating yourself up about it!

Remember we quoted Psalm 85:4-7 to prove that Mary was a type of Israel turning to the Lord in the Tribulation? Verse 8 says that after they turn to the Lord He’ll speak “peace” to them, as Mary pictures. He couldn’t offer peace till He left them (John 14:25-27), but once He died for them and left, “righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Ps.85:10). Until the cross, righteoussness and peace were at war with each other! Of course, the Lord didn’t explain how He could offer them peace; that wasn’t revealed until Paul. But the cross is still the thing that allowed Him to offer it, and offer peace in the kingdom (Isa.32:17).

Don’t forget, the apostles were heading into the Tribulation that would have come had the dispensation of grace not interrupted prophecy. Antichrist will be saying “peace” (IThes.5:3) in order to get the kingdom (Dan.11:21). Talk about the kind of peace the world offers (John 14:27)!

The Lord showed them His wounds after He had “so said”

that business about “peace” to show us how He could offer them peace. He didn’t explain this to them, but looking back now we can see what He was doing. He also insisted they “handle” Him (Lu.24:36-39) because after Antichrist realizes he can’t offer peace without righteousness he’ll die and rise (Rev.13:1-3) and claim he died for their sins. To do that he’ll have to claim Jesus was a myth who couldn’t have died for their sins, so the Lord made sure His witnesses saw and handled Him (I John 1:1), and could testify He was a real risen man with real wounds.

His resurrection body will retain His wounds to show to Israel (Zech.12:10), not to shame them, but to lead them to be saved (13:1). He will also retain His wounds because of all the things God has done, the Cross brings Him the most glory, and that glory will never be forgotten. Will we bear our wounds in eternity? The Lord could lose His when He wanted, or the two on Emmaus road would have recognized Him. We’ll be able to also (Phil.3:21). Some commentaries say the Lord will have to point to His wounds to intercede for us (Rom.8:34), but the Father’s memory is not so short that He’ll need reminding. If anything, His wounds will make it so we never forget what He did for us.

Did they receive the Spirit then (John 20:22) or at Pentecost (Acts 2:4)? They couldn’t receive Him till He was given, and till the Lord was glorified (John 7:39), and He couldn’t be glorified like John 17:5 until He sat at the Father’s right hand in heaven. When men received the Spirit, they showed the same evidence that the 12 did at Pentecost (Acts 10:46,47).

More proof is seen when the Lord breathed on them. He breathed life into the creatures of His old creation (Gen.2:7; Ps.33:6), and didn’t begin to breathe life into the creatures of His new creation until Pentecost.

Did the Lord give them the power to remit sins? This is John’s version of the Great Commission (“so send I you,” John 20:21), so we interpret this that they had the power to remit sins when they preached remission of sins (Lu.24:47-49; Acts 2:38).

A Really Short Prophecy – 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9



Paul sums up the seven-year career of the Antichrist in just two very short prophetic verses (v.8,9). This is the way God likes to reveal the future. Whenever He reveals something frightening, such as the Antichrist here, He jumps ahead to tell you that it will all end well. You or I would reveal the future step by step, “this will happen, then that,” but God never wants us to be apprehensive about the future, so chooses this method. Of course, if you are trying to figure out a timeline of prophetic events this can be confusing, but this is why we compare Scripture with Scripture!

In making this really short prophecy, Paul may have been thinking of Isaiah 11:4, where the prophet predicted that all “the wicked” would be slain. Paul, of course, is singling out the Wicked One, the Antichrist. This is a form of the doctrine of identification, Antichrist identifying with wicked people. Kind of like how Israel was the “vine” (Ps. 80:8), but Christ was “the true vine” (John 15:1), and Isaiah 49:1-5 speaks of an “Israel” that sounds like Christ. Similarly, wicked people identify themselves with Anticrist, and both will die at Armageddon (Rev.19:19-21).

Some hate God so much they will want to identify themselves with him and so will gather themselves to Armageddon (Joel 3:9-16). Others will have to be tricked into identifying with him by his miracles (Rev.16:13-16). Others won’t be fooled by his miracles, but because they are not saved they’ll be forced to identify with him in a reverse rapture (Lu.17:36,37), plucked up and taken to Armageddon.

There are lots of ways to “consume” things in the Bible (Deut.5:25; 28:42; Job 24:19), but one of these ways involves Antichrist (Dan. 7:10-26). The word “consumed” there refers to his defeat at Armageddon, but the word “destroyed” there speaks of his “everlasting destruction” in the lake of fire (IIThes.1:9). The fire of the Second Coming will expose Hell and ignite the lake of fire (Deut.32:22) where Antichrist is consumed (Rev.19:20). If you are not saved by that time, you’ll be consumed as well (Job 4:9).

Antichrist’s destruction is accomplished by “the brightness of His coming” (IIThes.2:8). The Lord’s brightness is His glory (Isa.60:19; Ezek.10:4; Rev.21:23). His glory is brighter than the noon day sun (Acts 22:6), and like a laser, it will ignite the lake of fire (IISam.22:9-13). By the way, you should know that when you sin, you identify with Antichrist, for Paul called a fornicated “that wicked” (ICor.5:13).

When Paul says that Antichrist’s coming will be “after” the working of Satan, he means according to, The parallelism in Psalm 28:4 will show the meaning of “after” in this way. His coming will be “after the working of Satan” in that he’ll do “power, and signs, and lying wonders.”

“Signs” are meant to signify something, and Antichrist’s signs are meant to signify that he’s Israel’s Christ. So he will no doubt do miracles that he knows people will look for in their Messiah, like being born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14). He can’t pull that off, but he may be born of a fallen angel (Dan.2:43) or Satan, and so a “giant” (Gen.6:1-4) of sorts. Remember, Saul was a giant (ISam.9:2) and was a type of Antichrist, who may use his height to claim to be virgin born. That might explain why he’s called “the beast.” If only two fallen angels father children in that day, and the other fathers the other beast, the false prophet (Rev.13:11), both would stand out among men, but False Prophet would identify the Beast as “Christ.” People also know Messiah will heal (Isa.35:4,5) and be associated with “peace” (Isa.55:12,13), as will Antichrist (Dan.11:21,24). Antichrist will also know that people expect their Christ to rise from the dead (Mt.12:39), so he will too (Rev.13:1-3).

When Paul says Antichrist will do “lying wonders,” that doesn’t mean the miracles he’ll work will be like the fake miracles like modern preachers perform, they will be legitimate miracles designed to get men to believe the lie that he is the Christ, and that Jesus Christ was a phony.