The Victors – Revelation 15

At the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the USA’s women’s gymnastics team won the all around gold medal. If you watched these games, you can close your eyes and still almost see Simone Biles and Aly Raisman doing summersaults and back flips. None of us should think that what these young women accomplished was easy. They sacrificed dates, going to prom, and endured many injuries. But they kept their focus on their goal of winning the gold medal. To reach this goal, they became examples of hard work, drive, dedication, and commitment. As a result, they can now joyously wear their gold medal as the victors in their sport.

Revelation 15 is a scene of victors in the spiritual arena from the seven years of Tribulation. They are described as, “them that had gotten victory over the beast [the Anti-Christ], and over his image, and over his mark” (vs. 2). The means of their victory was described in Revelation 12:11. Their power will come through the blood of the Lamb, the Word of God, and a perspective that faithfulness to Christ was more important than their earthly life. Their victory is not one apparent to those who will persecute them for their faith in Christ, for many will be martyred, but they are triumphant nonetheless. These victors sing two songs. One is “the song of Moses” (Revelation 15:3), which was a song of victory sung by Israel. As recorded in Deuteronomy 31:22-30, it looked back to their deliverance from Egypt and forward to “latter days” of the Millennial Kingdom with exultation for the salvation and power of Jehovah. Revelation 15:4 confirms these victorious tribulation saints are likewise singing of God’s holiness and coming kingdom. The second song is “the song of the Lamb” (Revelation 15:3), where the Lord Jesus Christ is praised for His greatness, truth, reign as their King, and His wonderful salvation is also implied.

This information is included in the record of Revelation to be an encouragement for any who go through the Tribulation. It confirms that anyone can be victorious, regardless of his circumstance. In principle, the same is true for us today. While it won’t be easy and will require commitment and endurance through our trying circumstances, we too can be victorious. Keep your focus on the “prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.” Maintain a dedicated commitment to Christ and His Word with other saints. Remember to also frequently sing praises to God for His salvation and coming victory over the world.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

Rest or Torment? – Revelation 14:6-13

Rest in peace” has become a common expression used when someone passes away. It was said of those who died in the 911 attack, after the Sandy Hook shootings, when celebrities die due to drugs or suicide, and countless times regarding less public figures. It has become ingrained in our culture to think of those who die as resting in peace. This concept is furthered suggested by coffins that look like a plush bed. But do all who die rest in peace?

The future scene the Apostle John witnesses in Revelation 14 spans the entire seven years of the Tribulation. Verse 6 refers to an angel proclaiming “the everlasting gospel” to all nations of the world. This is not our present Gospel of Grace. It is the revived Gospel of the Kingdom, which offers eternal life to those who trust in the Lord Jesus as the promised Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. Verse 7 warns of coming judgment and to worship only the Lord Jesus who created the world. Verse 8 announces Babylon (which pictures the vile, worldly worship of Anti-Christ) as “fallen.” This won’t occur until the end of the Tribulation. With every soul in every land previously warned to only worship Christ, another angel announces that those who reject the Savior and worship the beast, including taking his mark, will be “tormented with fire and brimstone…for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night…(vss. 10-11). Clearly, the lost who refuse eternal salvation through faith in Christ will not “rest in peace.” To the contrary, they will have no rest in unending “torment.” But we must remember, it will be their choice to not heed divine warnings and offers of eternal life. Contrast this with the promise given to the martyred saints who are told, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord…that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them” (vs. 13). These tribulation saints will be given “rest” from earthly persecution and torture. They will be able to wait in tranquility until they are resurrected into their promised Millennial Kingdom, where proportionate reward awaits them.

While these descriptions apply specifically to those in the Tribulation, there are parallel principles for those in every dispensation. All who reject Christ will suffer unending “torment” in the Lake of Fire. It will be their choice. Only those who trust in Christ are “blessed” with eternal life and rest. Ask someone today if they want to “rest in peace?”

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."


Supongamos que fuera cierto que una persona una vez salva podría perderse nuevamente.

Supongamos que esa persona, para ganar el cielo, tuviera que ser salvada de nuevo.

Pero supongamos que la persona en cuestión nunca fuera salva la segunda vez y, dejando esta vida como un hombre perdido, finalmente fuera al lago de fuego, después de haber sido “salvo” una vez.

Entonces, ¿en qué sentido fue salvo primero? ¿De qué fue salvo?

¿Fue salvo de la pena del pecado? No, porque él no escapó del lago de fuego.

¿Fue salvo del poder del pecado? No, porque volvió a caer en pecado y murió como un hombre perdido.

Y lo más seguro es que no fue salvo de la presencia del pecado. Ninguno de este lado del cielo se ha salvado todavía de eso.

¿De qué se salvó entonces? La respuesta es: nada en absoluto.

Quizás pensó que era salvo. Quizás se sintió salvo. Pudo haber actuado como si fuera salvo. Es posible que sus amigos pensaran que estaba salvo. Pero, en última instancia, no se salvó de la nada.

La salvación, para ser algo más que un simple término, debe ser eterna. Cualquier persona que ha sido salva ha sido eternamente salva. Nadie es salvo hasta que sea eternamente salvo. Cualquiera que muera en una condición perdida nunca fue salvo en absoluto.

¿Significa esto que debemos esperar hasta que esta vida termine para descubrirlo? No. Podemos ser salvos ahora y saberlo. Esto es evidente en pasajes como 1 Corintios 1:18, donde el apóstol Pablo se refiere a “los que se salvan”.

Faithful Believers – Revelation 14:1-5

Thank God for the faithful prophets of Israel: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and others. Thank God for the Apostle Paul, who, in the face of constant persecution, beatings, imprisonment, and weariness, continued to faithfully minister for his Savior until death. Thank God for Martin Luther who, in the 1400’s, braved threats and intimidation to boldly proclaim justification by faith. Thank God for John Bunyan who, in the 1600’s, was imprisoned in England for twelve years for refusing to stop faithfully preaching for Christ. During this time he triumphantly wrote the classic “Pilgrims Progress.” Thank God for Paul Sadler, who worked tirelessly as a writer, preacher, counselor, and encourager as President of the Berean Bible Society for almost thirty years. In every era, God has had servants who remained faithful to Him regardless of difficult circumstances.

The spiritually and circumstantially dark days of the Tribulation, as described in Revelation 13, are contrasted by the encouraging description of Revelation 14. The 144,000 male Jews who are “the firstfruits” of salvation during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (vs. 4), are seen standing with Christ on earthly “mount Sion” in the future Millennial Kingdom. They will be singing “a new song” (vs. 3) which only they know. No one fully understands the trials of another, nor do we fully comprehend the difficulties these Jews will face. “No man could learn that song,” but they undoubtedly sing with joy and thanksgiving for the enablement of God. “In their mouth was no guile” (vs. 5). “Guile” means “deceit” or “craftiness.” In contrast to the lies and deceits of the Anti-Christ and the false prophet, these servants of God will straightforwardly tell God’s truth to a lost world. They will be undeterred by threats, angry responses, being in the righteous minority, fears, or fatigue. They will, as their Savior before them, faithfully “reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and judgment” (John 16:8). They will effectively choose to stand between sinners and eternal damnation, offering God’s eternal life. These redeemed saints are described as “they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth” (Revelation 14:4). These saints will be rewarded for their faithfulness with the special honor of forever being close by the side of their risen Savior.

Don’t falter! May we who live in this present Dispensation of Grace purpose to likewise be faithful to our Savior until ushered into His presence. May we be found in that eternal number who are found faithful.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

Propaganda Minister – Revelation 13:11-18

In October of 1962, the White House was caught in a direct lie telling the public that the Pentagon knew of no offensive weapons in Cuba. The truth was that Department of Defense officials were debating whether or not to invade the island to remove the weapons they knew to exist. Assistant Secretary of Defense, Arthur Sylvester, defended the falsehood of their statements saying, “It’s inherent in [the] government’s right, if necessary, to lie to save itself.” More recently, all of our presidents have had a White House Press Secretary to spin current events. Some consider them only Ministers of Propaganda.

The Anti-Christ will likewise have a minister of propaganda. He is referred to as “another beast” (Revelation 13:11), because he too will be ferocious. He is called the “false prophet” (16:13; 19:20; 20:10) because he will be a religious leader who powerfully endorses the Anti-Christ. There are several important things to remember about this human instrument of Satan. First, he will have a worldwide spiritual influence. We believe his seat of authority has already been established. Second, John described his oratorical ability as one who “spake as a dragon” (vs. 11), which indicates being bold, authoritative, and effective in his speeches. Second, the purpose and subject of his speeches will be to cause “…the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast [or Anti-Christ] (vs. 12). Third, he will exercise “…all the power of the first beast” (vs. 12). Specifically, this means he will do “great wonders, so that he [literally] maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (vs. 13). Satan is the prince and power of the air, and this description seems to indicate the false prophet can call down lightening at will. Fourth, the motive in these miracles will be to deceive “…them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles” (vs. 14), so that they willingly worship the Anti-Christ. Fifth, this evil religious leader will ruthlessly cause “as many as would not worship the image of the beast should [to] be killed” (vs. 15). He will do so by outright executions, but also through denial of commerce to any who will not literally wear the mark, or number, of the Anti-Christ (vss. 16-18).

True men of God who proclaimed real truth, including the Lord Jesus, were never popular, nor were their followers highly loyal. These descriptions of Satan’s false prophet remind us we must evaluate any spiritual leader, especially those with large followings, by the authority of Scripture.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

Todo para nosotros

¿Alguna vez has pensado cuánto ha hecho Dios “por nosotros” en Cristo?

En Romanos 8:32 leemos que para salvarnos del pecado, Dios “no escatimó ni a su propio Hijo, sino que lo entregó POR todos NOSOTROS”. En Tito 2:14 se nos dice que Cristo “se dio a sí mismo POR NOSOTROS, para redimirnos de toda iniquidad…”. En Romanos 5:8 el Apóstol declara que “siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió POR NOSOTROS”. Gálatas 3:13 dice que Cristo “fue hecho maldición POR NOSOTROS”.

Hebreos 9:12 declara que “entró… en el lugar santo [la presencia del Padre], habiendo obtenido PARA NOSOTROS eterna redención”. Y si confiamos en Él para esta “redención eterna”, podemos leer más en Hebreos 9:24 que “no entró Cristo en el santuario hecho de mano…sino en el cielo mismo, para presentarse ahora ante la presencia de Dios POR NOSOTROS”. . Romanos 8:34 pregunta quién puede condenar al creyente en Cristo, ya que ÉL [el Señor Jesucristo] ahora está “a la diestra de Dios” e “intercede POR NOSOTROS”.

Hebreos 6:20 declara que nuestro Señor entró en la presencia del Padre “PARA NOSOTROS” como nuestro “Precursor”. Por lo tanto, Hebreos 10:19,20 anima a los creyentes a acercarse a Dios en oración: “Así que, hermanos, teniendo libertad para ENTRAR en el Lugar Santísimo por la sangre de Jesús… el camino nuevo y vivo que él ha consagrado PARA NOSOTROS…”.

¡Solo piense cuánto ha hecho Dios POR NOSOTROS en Cristo! Él entregó a su amado Hijo a la muerte POR NOSOTROS, Cristo se entregó POR NOSOTROS, murió POR NOSOTROS, se hizo maldición POR NOSOTROS, intercede POR NOSOTROS, entró al cielo POR NOSOTROS como un Precursor y consagró “un camino nuevo y vivo” a la presencia de Dios. PARA NOSOTROS, para que podamos “acercarnos confiadamente al trono de la gracia” para “alcanzar misericordia y hallar gracia para el socorro en el momento de necesidad” (Heb.4:16). “Si Dios es POR NOSOTROS, ¿quién contra nosotros” (Romanos 8:31)?

The Worst Dictator Ever – Revelation 13:1-10

Mao Zedong was the communist revolutionary of the People’s Republic of China who ruled the country from 1949-1976. To secure his power, he instituted a series of reforms including execution quotas. When land was seized from owners, at least one landlord was selected in each village to be beaten to death. Many deemed as threats were sent to labor camps where they perished. Governmental and industrial officials were publicly shot. Some estimate nearly 40 million souls were killed or committed suicide during Mao’s reign. Only by relating how many died under his cruel reign of terror can we comprehend how evil Mao Zedong’s dictatorship was.

Revelation 13 gives a word picture of the evil reign of the coming Anti-Christ, describing him as far worse than any ruthless dictator before him. Verse 2 describes him as “the beast” because of his cruel actions. He will have the cunning and speed of “a leopard,” the savage power of a “bear,” and the ferocity of a “lion” when it roars. His mouth will constantly be filled with “blasphemy” (vss. 1,5,6). “Blasphemy” means “vilification, evil speaking, or railings.” These fierce words will be targeted “against God” (taking His name in vain and likely denying His existence), against “His tabernacle” (because Jews will seek to worship Jehovah there), and against “them that dwell in heaven” (vs. 6). We take this latter reference to mean he will vilify true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, even those who have been martyred, convincing the world they are deluded, dangerous, and that they needed to die. He will have an irrational anti-Semitic rage that will infect all who follow him (Revelation 12). He will also be deceitful, convincing, and will have unusual oratory charisma. While the Anti-Christ will be given satanic power “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7), the Anti-Christ will be “wounded to death” (vs. 3) but rise from the dead, therein solidifying his power and wonder over the majority of the world (vss. 3-5,14). In vile egocentricity, he will demand to be worshipped (vs. 8).

Would you volunteer to experience these events described in the Tribulation? Would you want any of your loved ones to experience the rampages of this vicious dictator, the Anti-Christ? The only way to be certain to escape this vicious dictator is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who now offers eternal life as a free gift of His grace. If you haven’t already, trust in Christ now, and urge loved ones to trust Him while they still can.

Free Mail Subscription

Start each day with short, devotional articles taken from the book Daily Transformation by Pastor John Fredericksen. As Pastor Fredericksen writes in the introduction:

"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."

¿Se revela el Señor en los sueños?

“Escuché que los musulmanes se están salvando después de haber sido visitados por Cristo en un sueño. ¿Se revela hoy el Señor en sueños?”

Dios habló a los hombres en sueños en dispensaciones pasadas, pero ahora que la Biblia está completa, Él habla sólo a través de Su Palabra.

Si estas historias fueran ciertas, les darían a los hombres no salvos una excusa cuando sean sentenciados al lago de fuego por sus pecados (Apocalipsis 20:12-15). Podrían argumentar con razón: “No es justo. El Señor nunca me visitó en un sueño. Si lo hubiera hecho, yo también habría creído”.

Pero sabemos que los hombres no salvos no tendrán excusa en ese día, porque todavía es cierto que “los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios; y el firmamento muestra la obra de sus manos” (Sal. 19:1). El testimonio de la creación de Dios llega a todos los hombres (v. 2-6) y basta para dejar a los hombres “sin excusa” para no “buscar al Señor” y “palparlo y encontrarlo” (Hechos 17:27; Rom. 1:20).

Compre la verdad y no la venda

Todo verdadero cristiano debe comprender que la verdad cuesta. Si no lo crees, hágala suya, valore, defienda con firmeza y mire si no le cuesta. Antes de terminar, puede que le cueste mucho más de lo que pensaba: horas de tranquilidad y placer, amigos y dinero. Sí, la verdad cuesta. La salvación es gloriosamente gratuita, pero la verdad cuesta, es decir, si la quieres para ti mismo. Muchos de los que conocen la verdad no la creerán. No pagarán lo que cuesta decir: “Esto es lo que creo. Ésta es mi convicción”. La verdad no vale tanto para ellos.

Pero en Prov. 23:23 La Palabra de Dios nos insta: ¡“Comprad la verdad”! No: “Cómpralo si puedes conseguirlo a precio de ganga; si el precio no es demasiado alto”. ¡No, “compra la verdad”! Cómpralo a cualquier precio. Vale mucho más que cualquier cosa que puedas dar a cambio de ello.

Y cuando lo hayas comprado: “no lo vendas”. ¡Cuántos, ay, han comprado la verdad para luego venderla otra vez! Por un tiempo valoraron y defendieron algo de la luz dada por Dios en Su Palabra, pero luego la vendieron nuevamente por algo que parecía más valioso. Quizás fue la paz con los demás, o la posición, la popularidad o alguna otra ganancia temporal. Todavía le dieron su asentimiento mental, pero no formaba parte de ellos. Ya no era una convicción.

Tales personas deberían leer nuevamente el consejo del Espíritu: “Comprad la verdad y no la vendáis”. No dice: “No lo vendas a menos que puedas conseguir un muy buen precio por él”. Él dice: “No lo vendas”. No lo vendas a cualquier precio. Cómpralo, cueste lo que cueste y cuando sea tuyo no lo vendas por ningún precio ni bajo ninguna contraprestación.

Debido a que la verdad es tan poco valorada en esta época indiferente, muchos del pueblo de Dios se han vuelto tan impotentes espiritualmente. Tienen opiniones en lugar de convicciones porque le han dado un pequeño lugar en sus vidas a la infalible e inmutable Palabra de Dios. Dios bendice y usa a aquellos que “compran la verdad y no la venden”.

La piedad en un tiempo impío

Es un hecho interesante que las palabras “piadoso” y “piedad” no se encuentran en los escritos de Pablo hasta que llegamos a las Epístolas Pastorales, las mismas epístolas que tienen tanto que decir sobre los días malos y los entornos malos.

En las epístolas a Timoteo leemos acerca de los “tiempos peligrosos” con los cuales esta presente dispensación de gracia llegará a su fin, mientras que en la carta a Tito leemos acerca de “rebeldes, vanos charlatanes y engañadores”, de “mentirosos… malvados”. bestias… glotones holgazanes”, a quienes Satanás usaría para neutralizar la obra y el testimonio de los siervos de Dios.

A Timoteo y Tito, estos jóvenes de Dios, el Apóstol tenía mucho que decir acerca de la piedad, y no debemos olvidar que las palabras de Pablo a ellos son también la Palabra de Dios para nosotros, los creyentes en Cristo, quienes de hecho parecen estar viviendo el final. días de la dispensación de la gracia, rodeados por una marea de maldad en constante aumento y un número cada vez mayor de hombres malvados e impíos.

No queremos dar a entender que el Apóstol no trata las diversas fases de la vida cristiana en sus otras epístolas, sino más bien que aquí en las Epístolas Pastorales libra una especie de campaña para una vida piadosa individual en medio de una creciente apostasía y impiedad.

Que Dios nos ayude, en nuestro carácter y conducta, a exhibir “el poder de la piedad”, el poder espiritual que proviene de poner a Cristo en primer lugar en todas las cosas.