Romans 2:11-16

These verses continue Paul’s teaching that all (both Jew & Gentile) are guilty before God. He affirms what James 2:10 & Deut 27:26 point out; those with the law NEED to be doers of the law or be guilty before God.

Romans 2:5-11

Todays’ study looks at the day of wrath (vs. 5), which is The Day of the Lord/Tribulation, and the righteous judgment of God. God is no respecter of persons.

Romans 2:1-5

Romans 2:1-5 speaks on those who would speak against others for their immortality while denying their own. Hypocrites not knowing they bring condemnation on themselves. Religion, philosophy, good morals can never do what God is offering: forgiveness of sins and avoiding God’s judgment that is true and good.

Romans 1:21-23

These verses tell us that it is foolishness to give the glory that belongs to God to anyone or anything else. Not only is it foolish, but it also brings the wrath of God. When a person chooses not to give God glory and worship, they give it somewhere else, and that is idolatry.

Romans 1:18

Our study today discusses God’s wrath and how even it declares His righteousness. To truly understand God’s grace, we must have some understanding of His wrath. We look at the different kinds of wrath the Bible describes.

Romans 1:16-17

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and therein is the righteousness of God revealed. Our study brings us to a look at the power of God and His word. How is a man justified?