Peace On Earth — When?

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14.

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15.

This first message of peace was proclaimed by God’s angel and the heavenly host that was with him. The second message of peace was proclaimed by the Apostle Paul about sixty years later. Many significant events took place between the two proclamations.

Concerning the first proclamation of peace, it will prove interesting and instructive to observe some associated facts. These facts have to do with the birth of two sons, both “Divinely” given and both “Divinely” named: John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth and the other “Jesus” the Son of God and the Son of Mary. Luke 1:1 to 34. The first son, John, was born to turn many of the children of Israel to their God. Luke 1:16. The second Son, Jesus, was to reign on David’s throne, over the house of Israel forever. Luke 1:31 to 33. These two sons were sent by God in fulfillment of promises in Malachi 3:1 and Malachi 4:4 and 6.

Now let us carefully and prayerfully study God’s purpose for Israel in connection with the births of John and Jesus.

1. John—“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people” . . . “By the mouth of His holy prophets and the oath which He sware by our father Abraham.” “That we should be saved from our enemies—Delivered out of the hand of our enemies.” Luke 1:67 to 77.

2. Jesus—“The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever: and of His kingdom there shall be no end.” “And the angel said: Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy (the gospel), which shall be to all people: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 1:31 to 33 and Luke 2:10 and 11.

In Luke 2:25 we learn of a devout Israelite, Simeon, who was waiting for the consolation of Israel. There are a multitude of devout Israelites who, in the year 1936, will be waiting for the consolation of Israel. They are by no means as close to God as was Simeon. Nor has God revealed to them that, like Simeon, they may see the Messiah and depart in peace, as he did. Luke 2:25 to 29. Most of the 17,000,000 scattered Israelites of today may be ignorant of the fact that the tribulation of Israel is to precede the consolation of Israel. But of this fact they are certain: they have not been delivered from the hands of their enemies. On the contrary, from newspaper reports, many of them have been delivered into the hands of their enemies.

According to the infallible Holy Spirit, when John and Jesus were born, Israel was to be delivered by the Messiah from the hand of their enemies; but instead of any such national deliverance, the Messiah’s three chief messengers were delivered, with many other of His disciples, into the hands of their enemies. John the Baptist was beheaded by his enemy. Peter landed in jail in Acts 12. Paul landed in jail before the close of Acts, and about 69 or 70 A.D. perhaps 2,000,000 Israelites were put to death by Rome; and the survivors were delivered into the hands of their enemies, where they have remained until this day, in the spiritual darkness pronounced upon them in Acts 28:25 to 28 and Romans 11:7 to 26.

Israel was not delivered from the hand of their enemy as the infallible Holy Spirit announced.

Concerning the Holy Child Jesus, He was honored by a guileless Israelite with the proper salutation: “Thou art the Son of God: Thou art the King of Israel.” John 1:49. But, as far as His Nation was concerned: “He came unto His own and His own received Him not.” John 1:11. “We will not have This Man to reign over us,” was their reception. Luke 19:14. “The Stone was rejected by the builders.” The rulers set themselves against the Lord’s Anointed “For to do whatsoever God’s hand and God’s counsel determined before to be done.” Acts 4:28.

The Son Jesus, born for David’s throne, did not take that throne, but instead, was crowned in a different manner for His death of disgrace, shame and sorrow. He went to the tree of Calvary instead of to the throne of David.

We have some very foolish religious people today who are teaching that Great Britain’s Prince of Wales is about ready to take David’s throne. But students of God’s Word know there is only One qualified for that throne and that that One today has now even a more glorious program in hand. Therefore, David’s throne and Israel’s kingdom must wait until God’s eternal purpose, in Christ, has been accomplished: the making of the One New Man of Ephesians 2:15.

There are likewise some very foolish religious people today, who declare that it is possible to forget David’s throne and to have universal peace while that throne is vacant, while the Prince of Peace is the Head of the Church and the devil is the prince of the world. To them we must say, “ye do greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures.” If newspaper headlines are even ten per cent true, the nations of this earth are not beating their swords and spears into pruning-hooks and plowshares; but, on the other hand, they are buying up all the available scrap iron and other metals to beat them into weapons of war far more deadly than swords and spears.

It shall be when Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, the Prince of Peace shall, sit on the throne of David that there will be peace on earth. Isaiah 9:6 and 7. Then nations shall learn war no more. Then the devil shall have been dethroned as world ruler and the government shall be upon the shoulders of Him whose right it is to reign. Then equity; justice, love and righteousness shall prevail. The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The pain and sorrow of the curse shall give way to the universal blessing and peace of the reign of the sinless and omnipotent King. The Kingdom of the heavens will be at hand.

Surely, if the rulers of this world should get together in a peace conference and a love feast and destroy all their implements of war and divide up the wealth of the world so that there would be no hunger, and the Lord God would intervene in behalf of suffering humanity and remove sickness and withhold death, ushering in a reign of universal peace, that would be “good news”. That is “the gospel of peace” that was proclaimed. more than 1900 years ago. That gospel of peace is the “kingdom gospel of peace”. The gospel of the kingdom had in view, and will again have in view, the earthly throne of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.


While the King is the Head of the Church, He is seated far above all principalities in the highest heavenlies, and while the king is away, David’s throne vacant, the Kingdom in abeyance, God has another gospel of peace to be proclaimed: called the gospel of the grace of God and the gospel of the glory of the blessed God. Acts 20:24; I Timothy 1:11.

While on earth, Paul called the gospel of peace “my gospel”. It was the gospel of Christ. Christ gave it to Paul. Paul passed it on to Timothy. Through his messages to Timothy and others it has been passed on to us. In the original text of II Timothy 1:12 Paul speaks of “my deposit”. In II Timothy 1:14, written to Timothy, we have it as “that good deposit”. Timothy was instructed to pass the deposit on to others. II Timothy 2:2. This is a greater commission, so far as we are concerned, than is the great commission of Matthew 10:4 to 12, or Matthew 28:19 and 20. Paul’s gospel has been passed on to us rather than the gospel of the Twelve. Galatians 2:7 to 9.

Both Paul and Timothy had sick bodies. Paul gloried in his infirmities and in the fact that his inward man was being renewed day by day in spite of the fact that his body was daily rotting thoroughly. II Corinthians 4:16; II Corinthians 12:9. He instructed Timothy to take a remedy for his oft sicknesses. I Timothy 5:23. So if, in a body of humiliation, affliction and pain, you are today proclaiming God’s gospel of peace and the God of all grace has not thought it best to give you physical healing, do not question His wisdom and will because of the folly of the confused and deluded teachers who are trying to bless your soul and spirit with Paul’s peace gospel and place your body in Israel’s kingdom peace gospel.


Matthew 10:5 to 10—The facts—Go to Israel. Go not to Gentiles. Proclaim “the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Put no money in your purse, no extra coat, nor shoes. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons”. Israel’s baptism for the remission of sins and fruits meet for repentance were included. Romans 10:12 to 15. No difference between Jew and Greek. A message for “whosoever”. Preaching the gospel of peace. In Romans 3:24 to 28 this peace gospel is stated. Declared righteous without a cause, by God’s grace, through the redemption that is in Christ, through faith in His shed blood. All by grace, all of grace, without water and fruits. Should we mix these messages today? It is needless to say that thousands of Christian workers, who have gone out on their own charges, are mixing them: with the result that they are worse than mixing their poor victims. They make no attempt to raise the dead. They make no attempt to cleanse the lepers. They beg for money. If they take no money in their purses they cannot travel on the railroads. If they take only one coat, or one pair of shoes, it is either because they have no more or because they are away only for a short period. They do not go to houses. They put on high-pressure advertising and draw the people to their meeting places. They go to Gentiles. They claim to heal about one out of every fifty of the deceived people who come to them. Some of them are sincere; but all of them are sincerely wrong; because they “wrongly divide the Word of truth” instead of “rightly dividing the Word of truth.” They mix Israel’s kingdom gospel program with Paul’s grace gospel program.

Much confusion comes from the misunderstanding of the word “gospel”. “Gospel” means “good news”. As far as the individual’s redemption from sin is concerned, the blood of Jesus Christ has been, from the days of Adam, and shall be until the time of the last sinner on earth, the sinner’s only hope. But there is some “good news” for the member of the Body of Christ, as to his hope, calling, and spiritual blessings, which has no place in the good news that God has promised concerning Israel’s future. It was that good news proclaimed in Chapters one and two of Luke’s message. Peace on earth must begin with peace in Jerusalem and therefore with Israel and Israel’s King in Jerusalem; the kingdom of glory on earth.

But for this age, the members of the Body of Christ have been delivered from the power of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of the Son of His love”. “Having made peace through the “blood of His cross, by Him, to reconcile all things unto Himself”. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ in the heavenlies, seated with Him there, waiting for Him to call us to glory in glorified bodies. We have committed unto us the ministry of reconciliation, concerning which Jesus on earth said nothing to the Twelve or to others. The key to Luke is “on earth”. The key to Ephesians is “in the heavenlies”. The Head of the Body is in the heavenlies. The King is coming back to earth for His earthly throne and kingdom. Matthew 25:31 to 38.

It is surely one gospel to have the Prince of Peace on David’s throne and peace governmentally and nationally on earth. It is surely another gospel to say, because the Lord Jesus went to Calvary’s tree instead of David’s throne and because Israel rejected the King and Messiah, Gentiles have obtained mercy and can say, “therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” And “let the peace of God rule in your hearts”. Colossians 3:15. By prayer, supplication, thanksgiving “the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6 and 7.

Does this mean that we shall be delivered from the hands of our enemies? On the contrary: Our enemies shall multiply, especially our religious enemies who refuse to obey II Timothy 2:15.

Now as to peace on earth, you can do very little. Jehovah causeth the wars to cease. He breaketh the swords. Some day the King of Glory will enter in. You will have to be reconciled concerning the tabernacle of David which is broken down. By and by the Prince of Peace is coming. Do not get worried and fretted about signs, trying to figure out what Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin are going to do. The devil will take care of that. How pitiable, that the great majority of our Fundamentalist preachers, who know that an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, are much occupied with preaching signs instead of obeying Ephesians 3:9: “make all men see the mystery”. Signs are not associated with the mystery.

What a message of peace we have for a world of sinners, for poor condemned children of Adam, trying to forget God and have a good time in this present evil age of distress, perplexity, crime and misery—with the worst to come.

Let the peace of God rule in your hearts as you proclaim the gospel of peace to lost sinners.

God’s Workmanship — God’s Workman



Before any man can walk in the good works which God hath before ordained, before he can be a workman for God, he must be the workmanship of God. He must first be worked upon by God before his work will be acceptable to God. No man can work himself into God’s favor or by any labour assist in his own creation in Christ Jesus. God is the Creator. God, the Divine Workman, does the work of creating. The believing sinner is the recipient of God’s grace, and is made acceptable in Christ, the Beloved. It is God, the Father “Who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins”. Colossians 1:12 to 14. It is all the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.

Not of works; but unto good works. All believers are to learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful. The Apostle Paul was directed to write much more about the believer’s spiritual walk and good works than about the sinner’s salvation without works; but he was never directed by the Lord to confuse the futile good works of an unbeliever with the fruitful good works of a believer.

In setting forth the gospel of salvation for the sinner, the Apostle Paul was directed to write that a man is declared righteous by faith “without the deeds of the law”, “without works”, even “without a cause” (freely). Romans 3:24. Boasting is excluded; not by the law of works, but by the law of faith.” Romans 3:27.

If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation, he is God’s workmanship. The works of Christ were not only good works, but absolutely perfect works. Christ came to put away sin and He accomplished His task. Hebrews 9:26. Christ abolished death. Christ provided a perfect righteousness for the unrighteous. Christ suffered for sins once, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. The sinner’s first good work is to acknowledge himself the ungodly sinner for whom Christ died and accept the perfect redemption work of Christ, His death and resurrection.

Having taken this step of faith, the redeemed sinner is ready for good works. But he must look to God for God’s program of good works. God hath before ordained that he should walk in them.

As it is possible for unbelievers to think they are saved when they are not, it is possible for believers to think that they are walking in the good works, ordained by God, when they are not. Be assured that no amount of sincerity and zeal will take the place of spiritual knowledge in the matter of walking in God’s program. Zeal without knowledge means ignorant disobedience.

As members of the Body of Christ we may be walking in a path marked out in Scripture, we may be working religiously at some God-given task mentioned in the Bible, we may be enthusiastically and faithfully carrying out some specific program plainly described in the Word of God, and still not walk in the good works that God hath foreordained us. Such a workman of God is one who needs to be ashamed.

God wants a believer to be enthusiastic, zealous, sincere and faithful in constantly maintaining good works; but unless that believer studies the Word of God and rightly divides the Word of God, he may be wasting his time in dead works instead of in good works. There are many zealous, religious people much occupied with a program given to a different group of God’s people in a different dispensation, earnestly trying to carry out orders from God which were never intended for members of the Body of Christ. Here are some good definite, specific instructions to follow, that will keep us busy walking in the good works that God hath before ordained: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Timothy, Romans 12 to 16, Galatians 3 to 6, I Corinthians 13, and Titus. When we have learned our path from these chapters, there are many others. But reading these and understanding them first, it will help us to intelligently and spiritually appropriate and apply the others.

We Wish All Our Readers a Very Happy New Year

If you have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, then it should be unnecessary to say that it is only “IN CHRIST JESUS” that you will enjoy a Happy New Year, in the true sense of happiness. “Happy is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” That happy man is the sinner saved by grace, who by faith has seen Jesus, Jesus for a little while made lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. Knowing that Christ died for sins once, but He is alive forever more. The Man who died on Calvary’s cross is now in the presence of God the Father, making intercession for His redeemed people. It is only through believing God and His infallible Word that we can experience true joy and peace. When Abraham believed God, his faith was counted for righteousness. It is still God’s truth today, “with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness”. And God describes the happiness of the man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousness, without works. Romans 4:3 to 9.

We would suggest that, at this time of inventory taking, we turn to the fourth chapter of Romans and read about the happy man, in the first nine verses. As believers, our sins have forever been put away; therefore we are happy. As believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, God has declared us to be righteous; therefore, we are happy. And according to Romans 5:1, having been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, we are happy. According to Romans 8:1, because we are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation; therefore, we are happy. And as we follow on with Paul in the glorious revelations for us which he received from Christ, it gets better and better. Just turn to the Epistle to the Ephesians and try to count your blessings and name them one by one. There we learn of our inheritance, our riches, our high and holy calling, our identification with the risen Son of God, seated with Him in the highest heavenlies. There we are told in Ephesians 1:3 that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. Surely, such Divine truth should not only mean a happy New Year for redeemed sinners, but happiness every moment. We have a hope laid up in heaven. We are to appear with Christ in glory.

Let us not forget, however, that in the Epistle to the Romans the little word GRACE is used 22 times; and in the Epistle to the Ephesians it is used 12 times. God would have us know at all times that our position and possessions “in Christ” are all of grace and all by grace. We are God’s workman, ship created in Christ Jesus. We have been made accepted in the Beloved, Christ Jesus. Only the believer can experience true happiness. The true knowledge of this true happiness is experienced only by the believer who knows the truth of God revealed in God’s Book, in His special messages to the members of that Church which is the Body of Christ. We are complete in Christ.


If you are not in Christ, where are you? “The whole world lieth “in the evil one” I John 5:19. “As ‘in Adam’ all die”, I Corinthians 15:22. “They that are ‘in the flesh’ cannot please God.” Romans 8:8. “Even when we were dead ‘in sins,’” Ephesians 2:5.

Thus we see the predicament, the peril and the despair of the person who is not in Christ. Consider it, seriously, sinner. “In the evil one.” “In Adam.” “In the flesh.” “In sins.” When the Lord Jesus was here on earth He said, “If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die, in your sins.” John 8:24. We may have to die, before the Church is called to meet the Lord, but blessed fact, we do not have to die in our sins. Why hesitate at such a choice, to die in Christ, or to die in our sins? Do not procrastinate another moment; hurry to Christ. Out of Adam into Christ means out of condemnation into justification; out of death into life; out of wrath into peace; out of despair into hope.


“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, there is a new creation.” II Corinthians 5:17. Why not begin the new year by becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus? Perhaps, you will make a new resolution to join the church or do more deeds of kindness or give up some questionable habits. Joining some church organization is not the equivalent of becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus. An increase in good deeds with a decrease in evil deeds will not lift you out of Adam into Christ, out of death into life, out of the flesh into the Spirit. Evil deeds are an abomination in the sight of God and good deeds will be rewarded by Him, if the doer of the deeds has first passed out of death into life, out of darkness into light, by faith in the crucified, resurrected and glorified Christ.

In Galatians 6:15 God declares that neither the religion of the Jew nor the religion of the Gentile availeth anything, but a new creation. There is neither life nor justification nor hope in religion. There is a great difference between “in Christ” and “in religion”. To be “in religion” means to be “in the flesh”, condemned; perhaps twice dead plucked up by the roots.

The omnipotent God is waiting to be your Saviour. He is more than willing and abundantly able to put you in the place of life, the place of eternal security, the place of spiritual blessing; “in Christ Jesus”, where there is no condemnation.

Why not bow in His holy presence, confess yourself, what God knows you to be, a ruined condemned, guilty sinner, a good case for the infinite grace of God, and then accept by faith the precious blood of Jesus Christ? If you will do this, something will happen. God will do the creating—you will become the new creation. You will pass out of death into life. A splendid way to begin the New Year? Yes or no?

What Shall I Do?

Every sinner concerned about his salvation has asked the question, “WHAT SHALL I DO?” If the concern has resulted from the preaching of the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, he should be sure that the answer is in the Bible. But he may ask as did the Ethiopian eunuch, how can I understand, except some man should guide me?

At once we must recognize the importance of a human guide. Something more is required than that a person be sincere and earnest, filled with religious zeal, and even a soul burdened for poor, lost sinners. Today as never before Christians dealing with sinners should be workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, “rightly dividing the Word of truth.”

Do you suppose that there was any lack of real sincerity on the part of those zealous religious people of the first century who went from Jerusalem to Antioch and preached, with great conviction, “except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” Acts 15:1. Many very religious, well-meaning people in Paul’s day, had a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Romans 10:1 to 3. Some very earnest Christians, who endeavor to be faithful as soulwinners, seem to be ignorant that they give to sinners a perverted gospel which subverts the soul. Galatians 1:7. Acts 15:24.

No one is more wrong than the religious workman, who is sincerely wrong. It is all well enough to say, concerning some enthusiastic, zealous religious worker, “dear soul”, “he or she is so earnest.” But dealing with lost sinners is a very delicate operation and a most important occupation. Workmen must know the difference between the gospel of the kingdom for Israel and the gospel of the grace of God preached to individual sinners by the Apostle Paul. It was he who received the message from the risen Christ and has passed it on to us. Galatians 1:11 to 18; Acts 20:24; Ephesians 3:1 to 3.

It is a spiritual crime to mix the message of John the Baptist or that of the Twelve to Israel with the message of grace, to say nothing of substituting the former for the latter. Should we preach to an unsaved man I John 1:9 when we are told that that message is addressed to believers?

In order that we may appreciate the importance of rightly dividing the Word of truth in presenting the gospel to the sinner, answering his question, “what must I do” we submit for your study, comparison and contrast:


Luke 3:10 to 14: “And the people asked Him saying, What shall we do then? He answered and said unto them, “He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none: and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto Him, Master, what shall we do? And He said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you.”

Luke 10:25 to 28: “And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted Him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answered and said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. And He said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.”

Luke 18:18 to 22. “And a certain ruler asked Him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother. And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up. And when Jesus heard these things, He said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow Me.”

Acts 2:37 and 38: “Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles: Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

Acts 9:6 and 7: “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him. Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no man,” Acts 22:10 to 26: “And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall he told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do.” “And why tarriest thou? Arise and he baptized and wash away thy sins.”

Acts 10:6: “He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the seaside: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.” Acts 10:34 to 38: “Then Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (He is Lord of all;) That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: Who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: for God was with Him.” Luke 13:24: “Strive, (agonize) to enter in at the straight gate; for many, 1 say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not he able.” Matthew 24:13: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall he saved.”


Acts 18:30 to 32: “And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt he saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.”


Romans 3:24 and 25: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.”

Ephesians 2:8 to 10: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

Titus 3:5 and 6: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, hut according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost: Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour.”

II Timothy 1:9 and 10: “Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”

If we are willing to acknowledge that a mixture of law and grace frustrates the grace of God and perverts the gospel, we should know that a mixture of the kingdom message of John the Baptist and the Twelve Apostles, with the “dispensation of grace” committed to Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, will likewise frustrate the grace of God.

Let us be careful to sound forth the pure unmixed gospel of the grace of God, to sinners. In the matter of the sinner’s salvation, it is by grace—through faith—not of works—it is the free gift. No striving—no enduring, no religion. Simply trusting. Christ is the believer’s hope. His precious shed blood is the sinner’s need. Redemption is not for sale. Redemption is not an attainment. Christ obtained it. It is yours for the taking.

Part 2: The Lord’s Supper


“For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread: And when He had given thanks, He brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my Body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me. After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in My blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me.” I Corinthians 11:23 to 25.

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” I Corinthians 15:1 to 4.

All true and faithful servants of the Lord repeatedly present to the lost sinners the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1 to 4. Surely we have here a clear statement of the “good news” for sinners which the risen Christ gave to us through our Apostle Paul. This message is quite different from the gospel of Matthew 10:5 to 8, the gospel of the kingdom which Christ and His Apostles proclaimed unto Israel when water baptism, unto repentance for the remission of sins, was in order. When Christ on earth mentioned the facts of our gospel to even His chosen few, it was completely hid from them. Luke 18:31 to 34. At that time they had been preaching the gospel for more than two years; but not Paul’s gospel.

Where did Paul receive this gospel? Read Galatians 1:7 to 18. He was led out into Arabia and received the “Grace of Christ” message, the gospel of the uncircumcision, from the risen Lord. Galatians 2:7. It was a direct revelation. Paul was not present when the Eleven received the great commission. Neither did he receive his gospel from the Twelve who companied with the Lord Jesus on earth. They added nothing to him in conference, but learned from him the new message and the new commission that he received by revelation from heaven. Galatians 2:7 to 9.

The Twelve were told to stay in Jerusalem and preach the circumcision gospel to the circumcision. Acts 8:1; Galatians 2:9. Christ met Paul in the Jerusalem temple and told him to get out of Jerusalem and go far hence to the Gentiles. Acts 22:17 to 22. Paul’s Grace Gospel was by revelation.

Neither was Paul present with Christ and the Twelve when Christ broke bread with them just before His death. But in the same manner that Christ revealed to Paul a gospel for the Gentiles He likewise revealed to Paul the Lord’s Supper for the Gentiles. In I Corinthians 12:2, Paul wrote, “Ye know that when ye were Gentiles.” Israelites had not been Gentiles; therefore He was addressing Gentiles. There are a number of references to Israel and Israel’s religion in I Corinthians, but the message was addressed to saved Gentiles as well as to saved Israelites.

Now, unless we can find some good and sufficient Scriptural reason for separating the two revelations, perhaps given at the same time, it would seem as reasonable that we should no longer preach the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1 to 4 in this age, as to eliminate the Lord’s Supper for this age. We know that that gospel is still our message today and by it we are saved as were the Corinthian saints of the first century.


Let us read and study these words of the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 1:17: “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.”

Now, let us remember that we have found in this Epistle that the risen Lord, by revelation, gave to Paul, for Gentiles, the gospel of grace and the Lord’s Supper. Most assuredly He did not give to Paul, by revelation, water baptism for the Gentiles. In his message water baptism did not have the meaning and merit that it had in the message of the Twelve. Compare Mark 16:15 to 18 and Acts 2:38 with I Corinthians 1:17.

The Twelve were sent to preach their gospel and to baptize. Paul was sent to preach his gospel, but Christ sent him not to baptize. If water baptism had any merit in Paul’s ministry and gospel he would have said: “I thank God I baptized many of you;” for he could have wished himself accursed for Israel’s sake, for whose salvation he had desire and heaviness of heart. He travailed for others that Christ might be formed in them. But he didn’t even remember whether he had baptized any others.

Any careful student of the Bible can develop from John 1:31 to Colossians 2:11 that water baptism gradually lost its importance and finally ceased to have a place in God’s program. Water baptism was not given to Paul by Christ when he received, by revelation, for the Gentiles, the gospel and the Lord’s Supper.

Baptism received once-for-all by the believing sinner, in a few moments, has no connection with the Lord’s Supper received by the believing saint just as often as he desires to remember the Lord’s death till He come. He may partake of it in or out of a church building, with or without the ministry of a clergyman, reverend or pastor, as oft as he pleases.


In Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24 we read the words of the Lord Jesus, “This is My blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” In Luke 22:20, we find the language, “This cup is the New Covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.”

It is true that the new covenant is for the House of Israel. Jeremiah 31:31 to 35. Hebrews 8:7 to 13. It is true that by the guarantee of the New Covenant, Israel, as a nation, is to be saved. Hebrews 8:11; Romans 11:26 to 29. Just what Israel is to eat and drink at Messiah’s table in the kingdom is not clear. It is true that before the Nation Israel was born, Melchizedek, King of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, as priest of the Most High God. Genesis 14:18. The Melchizedek priesthood did not pertain to the Old or the New Covenant. Melchizedek spoke of the everlasting Christ; and identified with the shed blood of the everlasting Christ there is an everlasting Covenant. Hebrews 13:20 and 21.

To Israelites pertaineth the covenants. Romans 9:4. But to Israel Christ belonged. He is mentioned in connection with Israel and the covenants, as Christ, who is over all, God blessed forever. Romans 9:5. We do not give up Christ because He was of Israel. Our Saviour was crucified as King of the Jews. He said “salvation is of the Jews.”

It is by the precious blood of One who died as a condemned Israelite, under Israel’s law, that all Gentiles, as well as all Israelites, are saved and become members of the Body of Christ.

It is true that the blood of Christ, mentioned in Ephesians 2:13 and Colossians 1:20, is not called the blood of the New Covenant and it is doubtful if the Body of Christ in Ephesians and Colossians, can be called, with Scriptural authority, “the New Covenant Church.” Because of the absence of Covenants in Paul’s prison Epistles, and because it is reasoned by some Christian brethren that the “dispensation of the mystery” could not be designated as “a mystery”, if it were in fulfillment of the covenants which God made with Israel, the cup which is the New Covenant in Christ’s blood should not be given to members of the Body of Christ. These brethren reason, and perhaps correctly, that the New Covenant was suspended with Paul’s statement in Acts 28:25 to 28 with the close of the “Acts” period. And at that time the risen Lord through Paul revealed a new message, if He did not usher in a new dispensation, with truth concerning the mystery; that is, blessings, a hope and a calling not promised in Israel’s Covenants. He instructed Paul to proclaim a message for Gentiles different in many respects from the message in his preprison Epistles.

However, these Christian brethren continue to proclaim the gospel of Hebrews 9:26; “Christ appeared in the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself”; and they continue, and should continue, to claim the once-for-all sanctification through the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ as told in Hebrews 10:10 and 14.

Are we not to draw nigh to God in full assurance of faith, because we have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus? Hebrews 10:19 to 21. Is not Christ in heaven itself to appear in the presence of God for us (saved ones)? Hebrews 9:24.

All of this is because of the blood of the New Covenant. The general rule is, that Christian brethren who drop the Lord’s Supper, because of its association with the New Covenant, come by the same reasoning to do away with an interceding Representative for members of the Body of Christ.

In connection with all of the blessings mentioned in Hebrews, to which members of the Body of Christ are entitled, the blood is called the blood of the New Covenant, the blood of the Everlasting Covenant and the blood of Jesus.

But if the so-called Ultra-dispensationalists are to eliminate, with the Lord’s Supper, all that is associated with the New Covenant it will mean the doing away of the priesthood of Christ for members of the Body of Christ. To do away with that work of Christ, in the seventeenth chapter of John’s Gospel, leads to the teaching of some that the members of the Body of Christ need no advocate in heaven.

Let us be Bereans; but move slowly in discarding all that is associated with the covenants, even though we are sure that the most glorious truths and richest blessings that God has ever guaranteed to any people are revealed for members of the Body of Christ, in the prison Epistles of Paul.

While it may be proved that Covenant dispensations and the dispensation of the mystery differ, yet it is not such a simple matter to prove that not any blessing or benefit from the Abrahamic Covenant and the New Covenant can be claimed by members of Christ’s Body.

A Bunch of Keys

Keys are the emblem of authority, privilege, power. With keys one can admit to, or exclude from, a house, or city, or treasures. In Isaiah 22:22, we have the story of the proud Sebua who had proved unfaithful. How God took the key of the house of David from him and gave it to Eliakim, signifying that this man was henceforth to be the intimate adviser of the King and admit to the royal chamber whom he wanted and excluded whom he wanted to keep out. In Revelation 3:7, our Lord has the key of David and receives and excludes whom He will to and from the Davidic Kingdom and the “sure mercies of David”.

To Peter, as the most prominent member of the Twelve, Christ gave the Keys of the Kingdom, Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:28; and in his Pentecostal address Peter opened wide the door for the whole Israel to enter into the Kingdom, while he used the key to keep Simon the sorcerer out and also Ananias and Saphira. Acts 5.

The key of knowledge had been stolen from the people by the lawyers. Luke 11:52. The figure used here is that of knowledge being a temple filled with great treasures into which the leaders should have led the people, but whose gate they shut, and kept the key with jealous care, even their commentaries rather hiding than revealing the knowledge of God’s will.

We cannot even enter into the treasures of the snow, Job 38:22, unless God unlocks His treasure to us. One scientist photographed 10,000 separate snow flakes, and he found that every one was different from the other, although each was mathematically symmetrical; and so the scientist had not found the treasures even of this one department of nature.

What shall we say then of God’s great treasure box “in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Christ has also the keys of Hades and Death. Revelation 1:18. Hence death and the grave could not hold Him. He had the keys and could open the doors from the inside.” “What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord.” Let us worship Him with great joy and love!


Stephen was a full man. He was full of faith, full of grace, full of the Spirit and full of power, we read. He was the forerunner of Paul. Before the Apostle of the Gentiles, no one had such a clear vision on Israel as this deacon. After his great message he suffered martyrdom of those whom he had told the truth. He was also filled with courage and called the leaders “stiffnecked and uncircumcised whilst he gave a searching indictment of his own Nation. He gave a bird’s eye view of Israel’s history from Abraham to Solomon.

He was a man of vision, for he “looked up steadfastly into heaven” while they piled the rocks on top of him. He did not look at his own gory body, but at the glory of God. He did not see earth, but heaven, and there he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Why did Jesus stand? We always read that he sits and here he stands. Why? Twice we are told emphatically that he was standing and this must be important. Stephen saw here prophetically Jesus as the Son of Man, standing and waiting for Israel’s conversion, and at the same time ready to receive the faithful remnant represented by Stephen. The word “behold” points also to Israel, for this attention-arresting word is never used of the members of the Body. “Behold, He that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” The opened heavens also always points to Israel.

Stephen was also a Christ-like man, for like our Lord, he interceded for his enemies and said also: “Receive my Spirit.”

Following the Lord in Baptism

Quite frequently we hear some Christians urge another Christian to follow the Lord Jesus in baptism. Perhaps it is more important to be identified with the Lord Jesus Christ by Divine baptism than to follow Him in the water baptism He received from John the Baptist. John the Baptist came baptizing with water that Christ might be made manifest to Israel. John 1:31. But two or three years later the Lord Jesus asked His apostles this question: “Are ye able to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” Matthew 20:22. The Lord Jesus was then speaking of His baptism into death which was to be accomplished on the cross, Concerning that baptism into death He said, “how am I straitened till it be accomplished.” Luke 12:50.

When the Lord Jesus was baptized with water, all Judea went out to be baptized of John. At that time the people of Israel were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether He were the Messiah or not. Luke 3:15. Israel had not been instructed to look for Christ as the Head of the Church, which is His Body, but for the King and the Kingdom of the heavens. Christ declared to Israel, “the time is fulfilled.” Mark 1:14 and 15. John’s water baptism had to do with the King and the Kingdom. It was after the King told His disciples that Israel would not have Him as King that He spoke of another baptism; His “death” baptism

If we are to follow the King in His kingdom baptism, we should likewise follow Him to the Jewish synagogue to worship on Saturday, as was His custom. Luke 4:16. We should take our gifts to the priest, after the law of Moses and leave our gifts at the altar. Matthew 8:4 and 5:24. We should likewise follow our Lord in observing the Passover, and the other Jewish feasts. Luke 22:8 and John 7:10. Does it not seem strange, that although we know circumcision was carried over into Acts, we can prove by Colossians 2:11 that circumcision was done away by Christ’s death and yet make no effort to prove by the next verse, Colossians 2:12, that water baptism has been done away? Remember that we do not follow our Lord in circumcision. Luke 2:21. Circumcision and baptism, with much of Israel’s law, was carried over into the Book of Acts, until Paul wrote Romans and declared the blessed truth of the believer’s identification with Christ in a baptism not made with hands:

“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death . . . Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:3 and 4.

What presumption and religious pride on the part of any man who thinks that he can baptize a fellow-man into the death of Jesus Christ, or so bury him by baptism into death that the baptized fellow-man can rise to walk in newness of life! The baptism of Romans 6:3 and 4 identifies the believing sinner with Christ in death, burial and resurrection, bringing the crucifixion of the old man; and it makes the baptized believer a new creature. If the baptism is water, the water is most assuredly meritorious and efficacious and is an important factor in the believer’s salvation and newness of life. If there is water in Romans 6:3 it is salvation by water. Apart from identification with the crucified, buried and resurrected Christ there is no salvation for any sinner. This identification can be accomplished only by baptism. Water or no water? Can water do the work? Then salvation is by God, by man and by water; therefore of grace and works. This is a plain contradiction of God’s Word. Therefore, man’s water baptism must be out of place.

Some well-meaning brethren answer: “no merit in the water, but . . .”There are many “buts”; but without Scriptural support. There is no mention of water baptism as a witness to the world, or as the outward symbol of an inward work. Some say they were baptized to indicate that their old man was put to death at Calvary and has been buried. But they will admit, or others will admit for them, that nothing will stir their old man like opposing their water baptism theories. They will also admit that water baptism in Acts 2:38 and Acts 8:5 to 13, and Acts 19:1 to 7, had an entirely different meaning. But they prefer not to discuss those verses, which prove that their theories are unscriptural. They are simply following the traditions of the elders, their denominational leaders who blundered and led them into the blunder.

Any spiritual student of the Word, who understands the message of grace, will admit that there is not one verse of Scripture instructing one member of the Body of Christ to baptize with water another person who is already a member of that Body. They will likewise admit that water baptism neither helps a believer to get into the Body of Christ, nor keeps him in that Body; but that this is accomplished by the one baptism of Ephesians 4:5. Who has the Scriptural right to demand for entrance into a church-organization water baptism, and call that organization the Bible Church that demands no such religious ordinance for membership in that Bible Church? It is more Scriptural to join the Campbellites or some other church that teaches water baptism unto repentance for the remission of sins.

Yes we should follow the Lord in baptism, if by that we mean that we should bow at the cross of Calvary, as poor hell-deserving, condemned, ungodly sinners and by faith appropriate that death. God will then take care of the baptizing, and by His grace enable us to know the Blessed Saviour in the fellowship of His suffering and in the power of His resurrection. God’s one baptism joins the believer to the eternal Christ in an eternal union. “There is one baptism.” Ephesians 4:5.

Were the Last Days the First Days?

What would you think of an exegesis which made the last mean the first? Would it not be much akin to saying that black means white, or that yes means no? But, it may be asked, who teaches that last means first? It must be admitted that no one claims to teach this, but it will be left for you to judge in this study of Pentecost whether or not this is taught by those who claim that the Body of Christ began on that Jewish feast day.

The Scripture is Acts 2:17. The scene is the day of Pentecost. The Apostle Peter is the mouth piece of the Holy Spirit, who is giving a specific account of what is transpiring upon that notable day. Now the majority of pre-millenarians, if asked to relate what happened on that Pentecost, would say that the Church which is the Body of Christ came into existence at that time. It was the birthday of the Church, or in other words, Pentecost marked the first days of the Church.

Now ask the Holy Spirit what took place, and hear Him answering “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days . . . .” God says that the events of Pentecost were described by Joel some 800 years before, and that these events marked the last days. You are now face to face with the problem which has confronted many true Bereans. They had been taught, and for that reason had taught others, that Pentecost marked the first days; God said it marked the last days. Who was right? It should not take long to decide, and since God has not given any one authority to make decisions for other people, you must judge and answer for yourself.

For the sake of those who believe it is a heresy to teach that the Body of Christ did not begin on Pentecost, it might be pointed out that many of the outstanding theologians, real defenders of the faith, have taught and do teach that the Church began long before Pentecost. Dr. Hodge, who represents the doctrine of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, makes the following remarks in “Outline of Theology”; in answer to the question: “How may it be shown that this visible church is identical under both dispensations, and what argument may be thence derived to prove that the infant children of believers should be baptized?”

“There is no evidence whatever furnished by the apostolical records that the ancient church was abolished and a new and different one organized in its place.—Their disciples were always added to the ‘church’ or ‘congregation’ previously existing—Acts 2:47” (pg. 619). Dr. A. H. Strong, theologian of the Baptist Church, says in his ‘Systematic Theology’: ‘The church of Christ, in its largest signification, is converted upon that day could have been ‘added’ (Acts and ages, in heaven and on earth.—The church existed in germ before the day of Pentecost,— otherwise there would have been nothing to which those converted upon that day could have been ‘added’ (Acts 2:47).” (Pg. 887, 900).

Space forbids quoting many other great Christian thinkers who are of the same opinion, namely, that the Pentecostal Church was the continuation of that church which was upon earth during the earthly ministry of Christ. And where is there to be found any intimation from the lips or from the pens of the Twelve Apostles that a new church was being inaugurated? Were they not still expecting the Messianic Kingdom to be restored to Israel (Acts 1:6; Acts 3:19 to 21)? Did they not have all things in common, as prescribed by the sermon on the mount (Acts 2:44, 45; Acts 4:32 to 37)? Did they not continue to meet in the Jewish Temple (Acts 2:46; Acts 3:1; Acts 4:1; Acts 5:20, 42; Acts 21:26; Acts 24:18)? Did they not continue to observe the Mosaic Law (Acts 21:18 to 26)? And what is even more conclusive and convincing, was not the Holy Spirit witness (Acts 5:32) to the fact that everything connected with the Pentecostal experiences was but the fulfillment of the Old Testament expectations (Acts 2:16; Acts 3:24), and where in the Old Testament is there to be found any expectation of a new church divorced from the nation Israel and its hopes?

Whereas it is plain that the Holy Spirit teaches that Pentecost began the last days in the consummation of God’s prophetic program; it is just as evident that the same Spirit through Paul teaches that the Church which is the Body of Christ was a secret truth hidden in God, never before made known to the sons of men (Ephesians 3:1 to 9), and therefore in no way connected with God’s prophetic program. How could that which was foretold by all the prophets since the world began (Acts 3:21), be the same as that which was kept secret from the beginning of the world until made known to Paul (Ephesians 3:5 and 9)? And in what sense could the last days of the Body of Christ have taken place before God even revealed that the Body was in existence?

Pentecost ushered in the last days, which have to do wholly with the nation Israel. Israel was expecting a new age, but not a new church. Pentecost was bringing the old age to its consummation and making possible the realization of the Millennial hope of the return of Christ to establish the kingdom. It should be noted that Peter did not say: “It shall come to pass in the last day, but in the last days.” All of Joel’s prophecy was not to be fulfilled in one day, but was to cover a period of days, of which Pentecost was the beginning. Therefore all of Joel’s prophecy was not fulfilled on Pentecost, but there was the beginning. There was the pouring out of God’s Spirit; but it was no secret that God would do this; for it is plainly foretold in Proverbs 1:23; Isaiah 44:3;

Joel 2:28, 29; Zechariah 12:10; and, Malachi 3:10. These last days did not come to completion, however, because the offer of the Kingdom which began on Pentecost was rejected, and God interrupted the Kingdom program with His secret dispensation of the Body of Christ. When God ends this secret dispensation, we have every reason to believe that He will bring to completion Israel’s last days.

It is necessary to see the difference between the last days of Israel and the last days of the Church. The Apostle Paul who was made the depository of the truth concerning the Body of Christ never says that either the first or the last days of that Church began on Pentecost, but instead, some 36 years after Pentecost, points us on to some future time for its last days II Timothy 3:1. No where will it be found that in the last days of the Church there will be any of the miraculous sign demonstrations which belonged to Israel’s last days.

A clear understanding of this subject is perhaps of more importance for the Christian of today than one would at first suppose. Firstly, it shows us that we are not living in Israel’s last days, and therefore we should not look for nor seek to make a place for the sign gifts of Israel’s last days, Secondly, it shows us that the message of those last days has been superseded by a new message for the Body of Christ. It is no longer “repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and God will send Jesus Christ back to earth” (Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19 to 21), for Christ will never come back to earth until this present dispensation of the Mystery is completed. We are not and cannot today usher in the kingdom or bring the King back. We today have a message of unmixed grace to proclaim to a world dead in trespasses and sins, that God for Christ’s sake will not only save the sinner by grace through faith apart from all religious works, but will also make him a member of that Body of Christ which He will some day call on High (Philippians 3:14). Thirdly, this truth shows us that the signs which belong to Israel’s last days which must come to pass before Christ can come back to earth are not to be sought after in the last days of the Church.

It does seem peculiar that many who preach on the signs of the times object to people speaking in tongues, when tongues is clearly called one of the signs (I Corinthians 14:21 and 22). It is to be conceded that members of the Body may in its last days see a foreshadowing and preparation for Israel’s political and economic signs, but it is not possible for any one today to say with assurance concerning current events: This is that which was spoken by the prophet.

In conclusion it may be said that it is difficult to see how or why one is not saying that last means first, although perhaps unwittingly, who places the birthday of the Body or Christ on Pentecost, or who follows the Pentecostal program for today, or who preaches the fulfillment of Israel’s signs in the present Dispensation of the Mystery.