Pastor J. C. O’Hair
Articles Compiled by Douglas Lee
Pastor O’Hair was, without a doubt, the one person who, more than any other, was used of God to establish among believers what Paul, by inspiration calls, “the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery.” He knew that he had the Scriptural solution to the current theological confusion and preached the Word with great power. His oral ministry (including radio) and his many books had a profound effect on thousands here and abroad. As a gospel preacher and soul winner he was without a peer just because he understood so clearly the truth of the unadulterated “gospel of the grace of God.” The Church, all over the world, owes him much.
These studies are taken from a CD-ROM compiled by Douglas Lee containing many Bible study articles by Pastor J.C. O’Hair and others. The articles are available in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) and Microsoft Word formats. Although the CD also contains each article as an e-book, due to space constraints, we have not included the e-book versions of these studies.
Note: Some of these files are very large and might take several minutes to download over a slow connection.