One person can always make a difference. By one vote Texas was added to the union, Andrew Johnson was saved from impeachment, and Adolf Hitler gained power over the Nazi party. In the spiritual realm, one person has frequently made an enormous difference. Only Jehosheba hid young Joash from being killed, enabling him to become a godly king (2 Kings 11). Elijah stood alone against hundreds of false prophets, and a wicked king and queen (1 Kings 18). Jonathan alone protected David from the murderous plots of Saul (1 Sam. 19). Nathan stood alone to rebuke David, influencing him to get right with the Lord (2 Sam. 12). God used one man, Paul, to reveal our new dispensation of grace, and Onesiphorus to encourage Paul in a time of great trial (2 Tim. 1:16-18). God can also use you to make an important difference in your sphere of influence. “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Eph. 6:10), seeking to make a difference through ministry to others.

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