You Can Expect It – Acts 13:1-12

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Years ago, the author’s favorite college football team entered a new season ranked number one in the nation, but there were many who opposed them. You could expect it. Some accused them of recruiting violations, while others criticized their ranking. Because my team had a target on their back, every team gave their best effort to defeat them. You could expect it. By the end of the season, they were still undefeated and were facing the second-ranked team in America. The opponents countered my team’s every move. You could expect it. But by remaining focused and playing their best, they emerged victorious.

When we last read of Paul in Acts 9, his life had been transformed by trusting in Christ. Even with many opposing him, he was seeing many victories. Now, in Chapter 13, we see the Holy Spirit instructing the church at Antioch to ordain Paul and Barnabas for a very special “work whereunto I have called them” (vs. 2). As the church sent them out to minister, they were going to meet satanic opposition immediately, and they should have expected it. As they went out preaching “the Word of God” (vs. 5), they met an unsaved man named Sergius Paulus who “desired to hear the word of God” (vs. 7). Then, a Jewish “false prophet” named Barjesus “withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith” (vs. 8). Here was a soul ready to be saved, and Satan sent immediate opposition. You could expect it. Paul did not cower from this attack. With the power of an apostle of God, Paul pronounced a miraculous blindness upon Barjesus. “Immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand” (vs. 11). What was the result of Paul remaining in the spiritual battle of ministry for this lost soul? “Then the deputy (Sergius Paulus), when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord” (vs. 12). Praise God, another soul was eternally saved.

My fellow believer, we too are going to face satanic opposition. You can expect it. It is unavoidable. He is our “adversary” who goes about “as a roaring lion…seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8). Moreover, the more a believer seeks to be used of the Lord, particularly in winning souls to Christ, the more frequent and intense will be Satan’s attacks. But don’t stop sharing the gospel. Stay focused and faithful. Share the gospel with someone today!


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