Written in Heaven – Hebrews 12:23

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Every organized local church has a Church Constitution and By-Laws. This document must be registered with state and federal governments to receive a tax-exempt status. These documents also the adopted rules that govern the function of that assembly. While well-intentioned men usually write these documents, at best, each is only a man-made document that is often unbiblical in function. Unfortunately, in many assemblies, this document is fiercely defended and followed even when it is evident that it is contrary to Scripture. Changes are often refused, and it is frequently given priority over clear instructions in God’s Word. For some, it is viewed as if this document in their local church had been written in heaven itself.

The Jewish believers in the Acts era were being encouraged in the Book of Hebrews to not grow weary in the face of intense persecution. A reason for encouragement was the assurance that their names were “written in heaven” (Hebrews 12:23). This was not a new concept for Jews familiar with the Old Testament. Exodus 32:33 explained: “the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of my book.” Apparently, by virtue of being God’s chosen people, Jews were automatically recorded in God’s book, that listed all who had been given eternal life. But Jews could be blotted out of that book through sin and unbelief. Daniel 12:1 promised those who will go through the Tribulation, if their name “shall be found written in the book,” God would deliver them. The Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to rejoice, “because your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). The Apostle John warned of the time in eternity, when all unbelievers will be assembled, then “the book of life” will be opened, and other books with a record of their sins, and they will be judged accordingly (Revelation 20:12). Looking into eternity future, John also described the New Jerusalem, where Christ will dwell, and he said, only “they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life” may enter (Revelation 21:27). Even the Apostle Paul referred to “my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life” (Philippians 4:3). From all these references, it is clear that those from all dispensations who have eternal life are recorded in our Savior’s “book of life.”

If your name is “written in heaven,” rejoice in this wonderful gift of grace. If your name is not recorded in the Lamb’s book of life, trust in Him alone today.


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