“If the Lord’s resurrection body still had pierced hands (John 20:25-27), does that mean amputees will still be missing limbs in heaven?”
I’m sure you’re asking this because you know that our resurrection bodies will be like the Lord’s resurrection body (Phil. 3:20,21). With that in mind, it is interesting to read that He was able to change the “form” of His resurrection body (Mark 16:12). He changed it so dramatically, He was able to render it unrecognizable to those Emmaus Road disciples (cf. Luke 24:13-32). This would suggest that amputees can likewise change their form in heaven and once again enjoy the use of limbs they lost in life. This would also suggest that believers who die in old age needn’t go unrecognized in heaven to those who only knew them as children here on earth.
This ability to change forms additionally implies that those who die as infants needn’t remain infants in heaven. God knows what all who die before the age of accountability would look like had they lived to adulthood (cf. Psa. 139:16), so you would think infants would be able to change into that form in heaven. And since the Bible teaches that a miscarriage is the loss of a “life” (Ex. 21:22,23), Christian parents who have suffered this heartbreak can find comfort in the blessed hope of someday getting to know the children they lost.
What a wonderful hope is ours as believers!
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