What’s Happened Since 1909?

by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam

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In 1909 Dr. C. I. Scofied wrote the following passage in the Introduction to the Scofield Reference Bible:

“The last fifty years have witnessed an intensity and breadth of interest in Bible study unprecedented in the history of the Christian Church. Never before have so many reverent, learned and spiritual men brought to the study of the Scriptures minds so free from merely controversial motive. A new and vast exegetical and expository literature has been created….”

Even the years that followed the writing of this passage produced many great Bible expositors, but their number has since dwindled fast, until today evangelistic-revival campaigns have all but replaced the great, thrilling Bible conferences of some decades ago.

Regardless of the popularity of such campaigns, however, the Church will not make true progress, either in spiritual power or in the number of genuine converts to Christ, until it once again places due emphasis on the Word of God, both in private study and in public ministry.

Unpopular but vital Bible doctrines have stopped many preachers and Bible teachers short and have hindered them from bringing to the Scriptures “minds free from merely controversial motive,” largely because the price of standing for these truths has seemed too great. But until it is the sole passion of men of God to know THE TRUTH and make it known, true revival will not come, for the Church has never made one step of progress apart from progress in the study of the Word.


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