The Bible is unique among books as Christ was among men, in that it is the only book that claims repeatedly and consistently to be the truth.
It begins with the majestic words: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” It does not argue the case; it simply states it. The sacramental introduction to the prophecies is: “Thus saith the Lord,” and a hundred fulfilled prophecies prove that the Bible is indeed the Word of God — the truth.
Without apology it refers to:
- The “manifestation of the truth” (IICor.4:2).
- The “knowledge of the truth” (IITim.3:7).
- Those who “have erred concerning the truth” (II Tim.2:18).
- Those who “resist the truth” (IITim.3:8).
- Those who “hold [hold down, suppress] the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom.1: 18).
- Those who “turn away their ears from the truth” (IITim.4:4).
- Those who “believe and know the truth” (ITim.4:3).
- Those who “acknowledge the truth” (Tit.1:1).
- Our Lord said to His Father: “Thy Word is truth” (John 17:17).
- Paul wrote to those who were saved when they “heard the word of truth, the gospel of [their] salvation” (Eph.1:13).
Where the truth is concerned God’s Word is all we need, for:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness;
“That the man of God may be perfect [complete], THOROUGHLY FURNISHED unto all good works” (II Tim.3:16,17).

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