The Great Whore – Revelation 17

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Prostitution has become a worldwide plague of epic proportions. The average age is 14 when young women are drawn to this “trade.” Many are lured into the U.S. and Canada on work visas, then forced into this criminal enterprise through violence and induced drug addition. In an article by LifeSiteNews, former “madam” Tania Fiolleau admits that pimps usually rule over their prostitutes with lies, intimidations, threats, and violence. Drunk with power and money, madams are willing to do most anything to fortify their positions.

Revelation 17 gives us a very descriptive picture of the Anti-Christ’s false prophet, who is also referred to as “the great whore” (vs. 1). She bears this name because of two things. First, this great whore is also a worldwide religious power. As such, she should conduct herself with the integrity of leading others to a higher moral standard by pointing everyone to Christ. Instead, this despicable individual, and religious organization, will sell themselves to the services of the Anti-Christ. Second, once entrenched in power by Satan, this whore will do anything, including lies, deception, miracles, and wide-scale murders of Christians to stay in power. This religious figure will array itself in “purple and scarlet colour, and [be] decked with gold and precious stones…having a golden cup in her hand” (vs. 4). Some conclude this will be the rising influence of Islam, while others think the Roman Catholic Church meets this description. Which ever it might be, all mankind should alertly look for a religious power with these characteristics. The description from the Apostle John continues, saying, “I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (vs. 6). While there has been a long history of such atrocities in the past, this scene specifically pictures the bloodshed of true believers during the coming Tribulation. During these seven years, “the kings of the earth” (vs. 2) will align themselves with this false prophet because of her deceit, and her intimidation of threats and violence. However, eventually, the rulers of the world will come to “hate the whore, and shall make her desolate… and burn her with fire” (vs. 16).

While remembering the great whore is in the context of the Tribulation, we should remember it is an evil thing for us to sell ourselves on the bed of doctrinal compromise, lust for power, or popularity. May we purpose to remain true in these areas, and stand with a church that stands for God’s truth for today.


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