Spiritual Perspective – Matthew 26:6-13

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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This author’s eldest brother once managed a company selling Yellow Page ads in different parts of the country. Our youngest brother traveled some distance to go to work for him. The usual process for new salespeople was to go through a two-day training class, and the newcomers always had questions from the materials already covered. However, our youngest brother was so bright, he was given the training manual to read. Twenty minutes later he came back and announced he was ready to get started. Sure enough, when quizzed, he had thoroughly digested all the material and understood it well.

When Mary anointed the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ with oil, it demonstrated how spiritually perceptive she was. Even though the Savior had been explaining repeatedly to His apostles He was soon to die and rise again, they still did not comprehend it. In fact, at least some of the disciples “had indignation, saying, To what purpose was this waste” (Matthew 26:8)? John 12:4 specifies Judas was responsible for stirring up this discontent and criticism among others. While he may have been an unsaved man, it is not uncommon even for the saints to rile up others with a critical spirit. This is always a serious sin. Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us sowing discord among the brethren is “an abomination.” We must be careful not to do so. Even though the disciples did not comprehend our Lord’s upcoming death, it appears Mary had remembered this from previous discussions. The Lord explained when Mary anointed Him that “she did it for my burial” (Matthew 26:12). We should also note that using this expensive oil was not a “waste,” as expressed by Judas (vs. 8). Anything given as unto the Lord is never a waste, even though the unspiritually-minded may not perceive it this way. Moreover, it was Mary’s prerogative to spend her money as she pleased. Peter made this point to Ananias about his finances saying, “Whiles it remained, was it not thine own?” (Acts 5:4) The sum of this record is that Mary’s anointing of Christ with oil was “a good work” (Matthew 26:10), and the Savior announced wherever the gospel was preached, it would “be told for a memorial of her” (Matthew 26:13).

Are we spiritually receptive and perceptive enough readily to grasp spiritual things presented to us? May we seek to be so, never stir others to discontent, and remember doing things for the Savior is a good work that will bear lasting reward.


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