Seeing the Grace of God – Acts 11:19-24

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Kirk Cameron was a child television star who was a devout atheist. He laughed at those who believed that God exists. Then one day, he accepted an invitation to church, heard the gospel, and cried out to God for forgiveness. Since that time, Kirk’s life has taken an entirely new direction. As a Christian, he has chosen to play roles in The Left Behind series, Fireproof, and now hosts the Christian Master television series. He also travels the country to present the gospel in schools, churches, and community events. His is an example of a transformed life.

When persecuted Jewish saints fled to Antioch, they preached the Gospel of God to Gentiles, “…and a great number of them believed, and turned unto the Lord” (Acts 11:21). When the news spread, Barnabas was sent, and “…when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord” (vs. 23). But how does one see the grace of God? It is true God’s grace is as invisible as the wind. But like the wind, one can witness the evidence of God’s grace in many ways. Grace was evident in these new believers because they had “turned unto the Lord” (vs. 21). Antioch was a city where all the Greek, Roman, and Syrian gods were honored. It had a shrine dedicated to Daphne, whose worship included immoral practices.1 These new believers had abandoned these kinds of false worship. Like those at Thessalonica, they had “…turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (I Thessalonians 1:9). Collectively, they met as a “church” (Acts 11:26), indicating a joy in salvation, a bond with others in Christ, a commitment to the study of God’s Word, and a genuine desire to live for Christ. “…And the disciples [or converts] were called Christians first in Antioch” (vs. 26). Whether this title was given as a name of scornful reproach, or they gladly identified themselves as followers of Christ does not matter. What matters is that they were living a life so transformed by Christ that others could see the grace of God at work in them.

Is it your purpose to live such a transformed life that others can see the grace of God in you? Make this your goal today.


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