Seeing the Big Picture – Ephesians 1:8-11

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Our grandson is a good learner, but he’s not always a willing participant. He’d rather play with his brothers, watch TV, or play video games. When he is called to the table to resume schoolwork, he sometimes complains and asks why he has to do so. At this point, he can’t see that what he is learning now is key to him becoming a happy, productive, fully functioning adult. But one day he’ll see the big picture and realize how important his early education has been.

In Ephesians, Chapter One, God revealed the big picture of His plan for an eternal state. Previously, “the mystery of His will” (1:9) had been kept secret, but now God pulls back the curtain to reveal His ultimate plan. It is “that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him” (1:10). God will fulfill His promise to rapture believers from the Dispensation of Grace into heaven, and then bring seven years of tribulation. This will be followed by the millennial reign of Christ upon the earth. Then the heavens and earth will be renovated by fire to prepare for an eternal state (II Peter 3:10-14). Ephesians 1:8-11 reveals the events that follow. “All things,” both in heaven and earth, will be “gathered together,” or united, “in Christ.” Satan and his forces, now occupying the atmospheric heavens and attempting to thwart the cause of Christ, will have already been banished to the Lake of Fire. The Body of Christ will forever occupy these heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6-7). All lost souls, and remnants of sin, will be removed, and the redeemed of Israel will occupy the new earth. Both we in heaven and redeemed Israel on earth will happily serve God the Father and God the Son, who will dwell in the New Jerusalem on Earth. Occupants of both heaven and Earth will be united in harmony, joy, service to God, and in willing obedience. This is the big picture of God’s plan for eternity; and God’s Word declares we who believe have “an inheritance” in this future (1:11).

Do you see the big picture? God would have us realize that the things of this life are not as important as our eternal existence. Those who are saved must prioritize “laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come…” (I Timothy 6:19). Be faithful!


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"We welcome you, as you journey with us..., to not only learn information, but to benefit from examples of faith and failure, and seek to apply God’s Word to every day life. Together, let’s transition from only studying theories of doctrine, to applying God’s truths in a practical way every day. May God use these studies to help you find daily transformation."