Saved, Sealed, Succoured – Revelation 7

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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For more than forty years, the Berean Bible Fellowship held a summer Bible conference at a campground in Indiana. This was a time for Christians to get away from the distractions and the oppositions of the world, to join with those of like precious faith in a time of encouragement, study, worship, and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone who attended was asked to register and wear a nametag throughout the week so all instantly knew they belonged to our group and they could be easily identified by name.

Like the eye of a hurricane, Revelation Chapter Seven comes between the opening of the sixth and seventh seal. It serves as a calm before the worst of the Tribulation, the last three-and-one-half years. Four angels are told to hold the winds from “the four corners of the earth” (vs. 1), picturing the four directions on a compass. These winds are not to howl until “we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads” (vs. 3). This seal represents two things. It identifies the recipient as belonging to God, although it is noteworthy that these believers are not sealed at the moment of initial faith but prior to the most intense time of tribulation. It is also an indication of divine protection. We believe this is not from the persecution of men but from divine judgments that are about to fall. The winds being temporarily held back will “hurt the earth” (vs. 2), as God will smite the earth with the scorching of the sun, fires, hail, and more (Revelation 8). A seal will be given to 144,000 male virgin Jews from the tribes of Israel who will trust in the Lord Jesus as their Messiah. They will be protected from cataclysmic events so they can carry the revived Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Revelation 7:9-10 describe “a great multitude” who will believe this gospel message, be given eternal salvation, and remain faithful. But they will be martyred for their faith (vs. 14). Their trials are pictured in references to hunger, thirst, and heat, But “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes” (vs. 17). After being resurrected, they will be rewarded by being able to “serve” their Redeemer sitting on His throne in the heavenly temple as He “shall dwell among them” (vs. 15).

In eternity, believers from the Dispensation of Grace will also be blessed to serve the Savior and forever live in His presence. Any hardship we face now will be worth it all! Be faithful.


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