
by Pastor Paul M. Sadler

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I am sure we have all stood breathless as we have watched rescue efforts being undertaken by daring men.  One of the more memorable rescues of late has been that of little Jessica McClure from a well shaft in Texas.  Jessica had accidentally fallen into an abandoned well shaft and was trapped for two and one-half days without food or water.  With her fragile life hanging in the balance, rescue workers labored tirelessly around the clock to free that precious little soul from danger.  The heroic efforts of those men and women will be remembered for many years to come.  After all, they saved a life.

Another rescue effort that is above all others and deserves our special attention is when God rescued us from the depths of iniquity.  Ever since the Fall all of us have staggered under the terrible penalty of sin; sin, that would have sunk a world to the blackness of hell forever.  But, while we were under the sentence of condemnation God undertook the greatest rescue effort this world has ever known.


“In whom we have redemption through His blood…” (Eph. 1:7).

It is important to notice Paul’s emphasis here on the person of Christ as he uses phrases such as “In Whom” and “His blood.”  Why did God send His only begotten Son to redeem us?  Why didn’t He call on someone from the human race?  You see, one from the human race could never save us because sin has condemned the entire race.  The testimony of Scripture is true, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).  I could not possibly die for your sins, because I have sins of my own that placed me under the sentence of death.  I could not redeem you nor could you redeem me, because we are all in the same boat and it is sinking from the weight of our iniquity.

Understanding that the “wages of sin is death,” we conclude that death had absolutely no claims on Christ.  But who is this hanging on the Cross writhing in the agony of pain?  Why, it is the form of one dying, whose visage is marred beyond recognition—dying for us!  To our amazement, it is God’s only begotten Son!  But this cannot be.  He knew no sin; death cannot claim this Holy One of God!  True, except for the fact that He was not dying for His own sins, but rather, for our transgressions.  Our sins were transferred to Christ and the wrath of God fell upon His Son who voluntarily died our death.

So then, we have redemption through Christ’s shed blood.  Spiritually speaking, His precious blood cleanses us from the disease of sin that plagues us.  Christ was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.


Have you submitted yourself to God’s wonderful rescue operation?  Dear sinner friend, won’t you come to Calvary?  It was there that God reconciled the world to Himself.  In His infinite love He provided a plan of salvation based on the precious shed blood of His Son.  Please bear in mind that, “you must come to Christ in God’s way!”  He will not accept your good works, church membership, baptism or confirmation.  If these things could save us, then Christ died in vain.  It was because these things were not acceptable in themselves that God sent His Son to earth to die for the sins of the world.

Lay hold of the Savior, for only He can rescue you from eternal condemnation and bring you safely to the shores of eternal life.  Simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died for your sins, was buried and rose again the third day (I Cor. 15:1-4).

Do you have questions about your salvation?  Contact us using our Ask A Question page and we would love to share with you more about what God’s Word has to say.

This article is also available as a tract from our bookstore.


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