Proper Giving – I Corinthians 16:2

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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As a freshman in college, this writer had only been saved for one year. Coming out of a liberal church background, I had a very limited knowledge of God’s Word. An older ministerial student befriended me and expressed that he did not need to give money to the Lord because he had already given his life to the Lord. At this point, I did not know the Scriptures well enough to refute his theory, but it certainly did not seem right to me.

It is easy to see that Satan attacks every major doctrine in the Bible. Sometimes, he simply distorts sound doctrine. At other times, he totally denies even basic truths. When it comes to giving back to the Lord from which He has blessed us, the principles in Scripture are clear and consistent. Paul’s instructions were these, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him…” (I Corinthians 16:2). Giving should begin with each believer first giving himself to the Lord (II Corinthians 8:5), but no one is exempt from the need to give to the Lord as an act of worship. From the Garden of Eden through today, “every one” is to give. In the Dispensation of Grace, giving is to be done on “the first day of the week,” which is Sunday. The implication is more than simply giving regularly. It also means to give weekly as a part of sincere worship and thanksgiving when meeting in one’s local church. God always intended giving to be proportionate, or “as God hath prospered” (I Corinthians 16:2; Deuteronomy 16:17). Some may be able to give great sums, while others may sacrifice to give very little. God knows one’s capability, and He is pleased when one gives with a right heart, in the right way. God has always required giving to be done “willingly” (Exodus 25:2; I Chronicles 29:9; Matthew 10:8), or as Paul describes it, “…let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7). One is also to give out of a dedicated heart. Paul put it this way, “…he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity…” (Romans 12:8). The word “simplicity” means in singleness, sincerity, without self-seeking, and bountifully. The Savior condemned those who gave to be seen of others. Instead, giving should be done in a quiet and private way.

Let your giving consistently model these clear principles in God’s Word.


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