Partners in Ministry – Acts 6:1-7

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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It has been my rich blessing to have my wife, Terri, as my helpmate in marriage and in ministry. While her role has been the less visible one of the two of us, her contributions have been immense. She is my counselor, encourager, and enabler in ministry. She continues to faithfully attend church services, teach children or women’s classes, graciously hosts frequent ministry in our home, edits my writings, shares biblical truths, cleans the church buildings, and much more. In short, she has made much of our ministry possible and more effective.

When the leaders of the Jewish kingdom church were aware that it was necessary to attend to the material needs of the widows in their assembly, they looked to solid, spiritually-minded saints to fulfill these needs (Acts 6:1-3). Their ministry would be less visible than that of the apostles, but it was just as important. In fact, their fulfilling this ministry enabled the apostles to devote themselves more fully to proclaiming the Word of God. Moreover, the result of this partnership in ministry enabled “…the Word of God [to have] increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly…” (Acts 6:5). Likewise, having co-laborers in ministry enabled the Apostle Paul’s ministry to be more productive. This principle of helpers in ministry is so important that God’s Word is full of examples. Barnabas, Luke, Silas, Timothy, Epaphras, and Titus all traveled with Paul, ministering to his needs while also ministering to others. Paul recognized Phoebe as a servant, or deaconess, who had been a “succourer of many” at the church in Cenchrea. Paul also mentioned Priscilla and Aquila, calling them “my helpers in Christ Jesus:” (Romans 16:3). Notice the woman’s role in ministry was just as important as that of her husband. In fact, this husband and wife are only mentioned in Scripture as a team; and in some instances, the wife’s name is given first.

No matter how gifted, no one can effectively minister to every need. God’s work needs men and women to teach classes, serve in the nursery, cook meals, transport others to services, clean the church building, record or mail out sermons, greet and follow up with visitors, encourage the sick, usher, deposit offerings, give counsel, lead in music, provide secretarial duties, prepare food, work with the teens, and much more. Every saved individual is greatly needed in ministry. Become a partner in ministry today; and in so doing, help your church to grow.


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