Our Loved Ones in Heaven

by Pastor Ricky Kurth

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“Do our loved ones in Heaven remember us?”

Yes, they do. To begin with, when Samuel was called up from Paradise by the witch of Endor, Samuel remembered David and Saul and his sons (1 Sam. 28:15-19).

Also, we know that there will be recognition in Heaven because our resurrection bodies will be fashioned like the Lord’s (Phil. 3:21), and His resurrection body was recognizable by His loved ones (John 20:16; 21:7). Well, if people in Heaven don’t remember people on earth, what happens when their loved ones on earth die and go to Heaven? If the people in Heaven have no memory of their loved ones on earth prior to that, do they suddenly recognize and remember their loved ones when they arrive in Heaven? This doesn’t seem likely.

In addition, Revelation 6:10 describes martyred Tribulation saints in Heaven who cry out to the Lord for vengeance. This means that these people remember how they died, and at whose hand. It would be difficult to believe that God allows people in Heaven to remember people like this, people who murdered them, and not the people that they love.

Finally, it would also be difficult to believe that God would allow people in Heaven to feel an emotion like vengeance, and not allow them to feel an emotion like love. So it is safe to extrapolate that people in heaven not only remember us, they still love us.


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