“The world passeth away” (1 John 2:17).
“The whole world lieth in wickedness (1 John 5:19).
Christians who spend their time and energy in social service, civic reform, programs for the uplift of the community, etc., forget that this world is like a sinking ship. They are wasting their time and energy trying to save the wreck instead of saving individuals from the wreck.
Paul lived in a day when politics were corrupt, when power trampled righteousness under foot, when society was degraded, when purety was laughed at, and immorality was exalted. He saw what was called “art and culture” dragging thousands down as it tempted them from statues that almost lived, and from writings and pictures so vile that they were only surpassed by the actual immorality from Nero’s court down.
Yet you never find him taking part in political campaigns, nor urging social reform. His great aim was to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the One to whom individuals must fly for salvation.

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