I Come Quickly – Revelation 22

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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During the English Civil War in the 1650’s, King Charles I was captured, imprisoned, and put to death. His son, Charles II, narrowly escaped his own capture and execution by disguising himself and fleeing to the European continent. While in Europe, Charles wandered from country to country. In 1660, Parliament restored the monarchy, and Charles returned to a jubilant reception by his countrymen.

Long ago the King of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, was arrested, imprisoned, and put to death, essentially by His own countrymen. After His resurrection, His apostles had hoped He would establish His earthly reign immediately but were told at His ascension He would return in glory (Acts 1:6, 9-11). Three times in Revelation 22, the Savior assured the Apostle John that He will return to claim His reign on earth very soon. Christ tells him, “Behold, I come quickly, blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book” (vs. 7). John was to emphasize to his fellow Jews who were anticipating going through the Tribulation that faithfulness will be expected, no matter the circumstances. Their enablement will be rooted in God’s Word. Next, the Savior says, “Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me to give to every man according as his work shall be” (vs. 12). Those who face fierce hardships and brave persecution to preach the gospel in a very hostile world are to be encouraged with an assurance of reward proportionate to their faithfulness. By the time John records this revelation, there had been a delay in the Savior’s return by nearly two decades. II Peter 3:3-9 explains to “scoffers,” who were ridiculing an expectation that Christ would return, that “the Lord is not slack concerning His promise.” His delay was to be seen as God’s mercy in allowing additional time for lost souls to come to saving faith in Christ. The revelation to John closes with another comforting consolation, “Surely I come quickly” (Revelation 22:20). Believers were to continue to live in the confidence of His soon return, allowing this expectation to motivate them to greater faithfulness.

We now know the delay in Christ’s return as the King of Israel is because a new Dispensation of Grace interrupted the fulfillment of prophecy. We also know we are to likewise live in anticipation of Christ’s return to rapture us into the heavens, believe He will come soon, and expect proportionate reward for faithfulness. He will surely return soon. Are you making yourself ready?


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