Honor Your Wife – I Peter 3:7

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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It is with great thankfulness that I can say one of the greatest examples of a husband honoring his wife is my son-in-law, Justin. With great consistency, he is sensitive to his wife’s well-being, considerate of her wishes, loving in how he treats her, respectful of her opinions, and wise enough to regularly seek her counsel. He involves her as an equal in all aspects of family decisions and frequently puts her wishes above his own interests. Though married for years, he still takes her on date nights, and leaves her complimentary notes confirming his love. In short, he treats her like a queen. Justin is a real answer to prayer. My wife and I are very happy our daughter has this man to partner with in life.

When Peter wrote timeless principles about how a man is to treat his wife, he said: “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life…” (I Peter 3:7). The word “honour” means to value, esteem to be of the highest degree, or count precious. A man who is treating his wife properly will demonstrate that he views her as the greatest blessing in his life, after his eternal salvation. He will protect her, make her his priority, show her great respect, and cultivate a good relationship with her. In order to dwell with her “according to knowledge,” he will seek to find out what pleases her and what displeases her, then act accordingly to provide an environment where she is happy and content. This will mean more than providing material things; it will mean providing spiritual encouragement and cooperation coupled with love, consideration, and tenderness. He will seek to shoulder the bulk of the stresses of life, knowing she is “the weaker vessel.” That does not mean she is lesser than the man, only that God enables men to bear these burdens better. It is the proper role of the man to shield her when possible. This is how “real men” treat their wives. Beyond peace, harmony, and a stable relationship, treating one’s wife this way also insures that their “…prayers [will] be not hindered” (vs. 7b).

Men, we encourage you to act like a gentleman toward your wife, demonstrate to her that she is your most valued blessing from God, and honor her with great respect. Doing so will pay high dividends here and in eternity.


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