Good Job – Revelation 3:7-13

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Parents everywhere encourage their little ones with the words “good job.” When they first learn to walk, become potty trained, start to repeat words, throw a ball, or begin to read, we seem to say to them instinctively, “good job.” Our purpose is to give positive reinforcement, or acknowledgment, of doing a good thing, or doing something well. It is our hope our words will help to motivate them to continue down the right path.

Regardless of any lack of secular history to document Jewish churches in each of the cities addressed in Revelation during the early years in Acts, we believe they existed because of this sacred record. Their Jewish identity is seen in the phrases: “the key of David” (vs. 7), “synagogue” (vs. 9), and “new Jerusalem” (vs. 12).1 The Savior’s words to the church at Philadelphia were, “I know thy works…thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word, and hast not denied My name” (Revelation 3:8). Unlike the Savior’s messages to previous churches, for these believers there were no words of rebuke, only praise, positive acknowledgment of faithfulness, and implication of genuine spiritual life. In effect, the Lord Jesus was saying, “good job.” Local Jews, pictured in the words “the synagogue of Satan” (vs. 9), were described this way because of their efforts to thwart the Jewish believers from proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom. However, the Savior promises His faithful ones, “I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it” (vs. 8). An open door in Scripture is frequently used to describe an opportunity for ministry (Acts 14:27). The Lord Jesus was promising He would continue to give them opportunities to share their message of eternal life. He further promises “I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation” (vs. 10), indicating divine protection from persecution. He also acknowledges that they had “a little strength” (vs. 8), implying they could effectively complete their ministry if they relied on His strength given to them by a close continual walk with Him. If they were faithful, great eternal reward lay ahead (vss. 12-13).

There are many parallel applications in this text for believers today. In our present Dispensation of Grace, we are to be praised if we have kept the truths of God’s Word and not defiled God’s name with a sinful lifestyle. Good job. Now use God’s open door to share the gospel. If you will, eternal reward will be yours.


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