God Can’t Use Me – I Corinthians 2:1-5

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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I was approaching my senior year in high school when I first heard the Gospel of Grace and trusted in Christ alone for eternal life. Only a few months later, my heart began to be burdened to use the rest of my life in the ministry of my Savior; but a great internal struggle ensued. I reasoned that I was not smart enough, talented, nor capable of great things. I lacked biblical knowledge, was fearful about such a commitment, and much more. Moreover, I saw others who were dynamic, and I thought I could never reach their levels of ministry, so perhaps God could not use me in His service. Then, giving me perspective, the Lord brought other imperfect biblical figures to my attention.

Throughout the history of mankind, God has always used flawed human instruments. He could have chosen to use only holy angels or individuals empowered to some sinless condition. Instead, God chose to use ordinary men and women, all of who had glaring inadequacies. Noah was guilty of drunkenness. Abraham was too old to begin a new nation. Isaac was a daydreamer. Jacob was a liar and schemer. Leah was unattractive. Joseph was abused in youth. Moses could not speak well, and had fits of temper. Deborah was a woman in a man’s world. Gideon was afraid to make himself available to the Lord. Rahab was a prostitute. David committed adultery and murder. Elijah wallowed in self-pity with suicidal desires. Isaiah preached naked (at God’s instruction). Jonah ran away from God’s appointed ministry. Job had a discouraging wife, and was overwhelmed when tried. Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered. The twelve disciples of Christ were slow to comprehend many simple truths, and deserted Him when under pressure. Martha worried about incidental things.

God also used the Apostle Paul despite numerous deficiencies. He had been a persecutor, did not have “…excellency of speech or of wisdom…” and he ministered “…in weakness…and in much trembling…” (I Corinthians 2:1-4). Why then did God use an imperfect vessel such as Paul? It was so the “…faith [of others] should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (vs. 5). Moreover, God receives glory when weak human vessels are used.

If you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God, you’ve just met the first qualification. Now, report for duty to your heavenly Commander in Chief today.


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