“…we were enemies…” (Rom. 5:10).
“…the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not…” (II Cor. 4:4).
Many religious but unsaved people will not accept the fact that they are enemies of God, and fail to understand why the Bible should insist that they are.But the God who says that they are sinners, worthy of everlasting judgment; that their only hope of salvation lies in the One who poured out His life’s blood to pay the penalty for their sins — this God, the God of the Bible, they cannot abide. Let one of His servants tell them what He says about them and they are insulted. When this God, the true God, refuses to accept their “good” works or their “righteous” conduct they react like Cain, of whom we read: “And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell” (Gen. 4:5). They simply will not bow to this God, and their attitude betrays their enmity against Him.
But why will they not turn away from their self-righteousness and trust in Christ, who died for their sins?
Simply because they worship Satan, “the god of this age,” who “hath blinded the minds of those who believe not.” Worship Satan? This too is hard for the unregenerate man to believe about himself. As he has his own conception of God, he also has his own conception of Satan — a wrong one.
Unbelievers do not know that the real Satan, the Satan of the Bible, has a vast wardrobe and, in this dispensation of grace, doubtless appears most often as “an angel of light” with “ministers of righteousness” (II Cor. 11:14,15). This Satan they do indeed worship. They adore him, and try to live by his precepts, convinced that the way to salvation is to do and be good.

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