Clothing Befitting Godliness – I Timothy 2:8-9

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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Courtney was a young mother who wore an extremely short miniskirt to church and unquestionably exposed entirely too much of herself. A deacon’s wife called her to confront her about wearing immodest clothing in a place of worship. To her credit, Courtney took the conversation well. She appreciated being spoken to directly rather than being complained about to others, and she realized her clothing was an immature uncaring act to brothers in Christ. From that day forward she threw immodest clothing away and diligently tried to dress modestly.

From the beginning of human history, both nature and God have taught that clothing sufficient to cover the body should be worn. As soon as Adam and Eve committed sin, they sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness (Genesis 3:7), which God replaced with animal skins (vs. 21). Ever since, it seems like Satan has been trying to unclothe us. When any stage of immodesty takes place, it is a sign of ungodliness. When Israel worshipped a molten calf, “Moses saw that the people were naked…naked unto their shame” (Exodus 32:25). We must realize that sinful actions often follow immodesty. When David saw Bathsheba “washing herself” (II Samuel 11:2), adultery, deceit, and murder soon followed. Similarly, when the stepdaughter of King Herod seductively danced before him, he succumbed to her request to murder John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-10). It is indisputable that women have great seductive power over men, and, especially for Christian women, with that power comes a great responsibility. Therefore, the Apostle Paul gave instruction that “…women adorn themselves in modest apparel” (I Timothy 2:9). It has become commonplace for women and girls to wear plunging necklines, transparent fabrics, extremely short tight shorts or dresses, and even far worse. The world finds this acceptable, but it certainly is not for Christian women. Paul tells us the standard should be “modest apparel” (vs. 9) and only that “…which becometh women professing godliness” (vs. 10). That means that if a woman is exposed when bending or sitting, if her clothing would entice impure thoughts, or if she would cover up if suddenly in the presence of the Savior, then her clothing is unacceptably immodest. This by no means absolves men from thinking and acting in pure moral ways, but women must be careful not to dress in a way “…whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak” (Romans 14:21).

Ladies, choose today to become a real model, one of exemplary modesty!

Your Savior will be therein glorified.


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