Accepted by the Father – Ephesians 1:6

by Pastor John Fredericksen

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A family we once knew had a very unruly son. The father loved this son and was always doting on him. When he became a teenager, even though they couldn’t really afford it, the father bought him a new car. When others tried to discretely tell the father that his son was driving recklessly within city limits, he would not believe them. He wouldn’t believe it even after he wrecked that new car, and two more, by driving too fast. In the eyes of this father, his son could do no wrong, and this father continued to lavish great gifts on his son.

God tells us He hath “…made us accepted in the Beloved [Son] (Ephesians 1:6). The word “accepted” means more than to receive willingly or respond favorably. It is the same Greek word used when Mary was told she was “highly favored” before the Lord (Luke 1:28). When Paul told the Ephesians that they were “accepted” by God the Father, it meant more than that God was receiving them favorably. He was explaining that they were highly favored. But Paul was not referring here to individuals. He was referring to the corporate Body of Christ. Collectively, we were “chosen” to be “holy and without blame…[and] predestinated…unto the adoption [declared to be an adult son] of children by Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:4-5). God the Father no longer sees the Body of Christ in the guilt of sin. In His eyes, we stand in the righteousness of His sinless Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. As a body of believers, we have been forgiven all trespasses. Our Heavenly Father will not listen to any accusation of Satan that would alter our collective standing before Him. Regardless of poor conduct, He also continues to heap great “spiritual blessings” (or riches) upon the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:3). What is true of the collective Body of Christ (a righteous standing in the Lamb of God, and blessed with great spiritual riches) is also true of each individual who knows the Lord Jesus as Savior. No one is individually predestined to eternal life, but those who choose to trust in Christ are chosen to stand in the acceptance and the spiritual riches of the Savior.

Our response to these blessings should be to “…walk worthy of the vo- cation wherewith ye are called” (Ephesians 4:1). Evaluate all you say and do today by the standard of being worthy of the love of your Father who has given you so much.


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