Some Bible Thoughts

by Henry Bultema

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In regard to the death of Christ, it is too often forgotten that He did not merely die the death of a private person, but that of a public person and federal Head of the race. The first Adam brought sin into the world, the last One “taketh away the sin of the world.”

Lord keep us from all unholy wars, for man really loves a scrap, but may we never forget that the Word is, besides milk and meat and honey, also a sword to be wielded, a hammer to pound, a staff to strike, a fire to burn, a lamp to show the yawning abyss and a light to detect the deep and dark things.

Behold how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Pleasant it is in the sight of God and man and angels of Christ and His good Spirit, and yet this pleasant sight is not much seen in this world. If Satan can view anything as pleasant it must be a pleasant sight for him and his imps to see brethren dwell apart in disharmony and dissension.

Sin is the greatest wrecker in the world. It darkens the mind; it warps man’s judgment; it vitiates his taste; it perverts his will; it stuplifies his conscience; it desecrates his affections; it pays in due time always the wages.

The demon cried: “Jesus I know and Paul, I know.” Amazing knowledge! All Christians cannot say the last by any means.

Formerly infidelity made its base and blatant denials outside the church, in later years the attack was made inside the church and that is the power of the apostacy in our day. Modernism is nothing but churchified infidelity.
