Short Messages by Henry Bultema

by Henry Bultema

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A new world war may burst upon the world with destructive fury almost any day. According to the Word of God the earth must yet be deluged with blood. Terrible wars and revolutions shall shake all the nations of the earth. Just read of the many Scriptures where this is predicted; the following: Psalms 2; Isaiah 29:1 to 8; Daniel 11 and 12; Ezekiel 38; Joel 3:9 to 11; Haggai 3:22; Zephaniah 3:8; Zechariah 12:1 to 9; Revelation 16:16; Revelation 19:11 to 16.

If England should fight Italy, then Holland will fight with England, and there is great danger that Japan will plunge in and then the world war will have started, for all the colored races will rise as one man against the superiority of the white race and in that case it will be next to impossible for America to remain neutral.

Why do the nations rage? They will soon wind up in their rage against the blessed Lord. The main question soon will be as to victory, but no one will have victory. They will all suffer dismal defeat at the hands, not of the King of Kings of Ethiopia, but at the hands of the King of Kings from heaven.

Thank God we have already the victory, for victory does not center in feelings and strivings but it is found wholly in the Lord Himself. We need not even be occupied with the strength and chicanery of our foe, for Christ has overcome him, and faith is the victory over the world.

There are three great foes: the world, the flesh and the devil. The world is especially the enemy of the Father, the flesh of the Spirit, the devil of Christ, and we can shout in all these things “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”

“Victory! Victory! Precious blood-bought victory,
As Jehovah liveth, strength Divine He giveth,
Unto those who trust Him, victory all the time!”
Victory! Victory! All along the line.

Hymeneus and Philetus were once upon a time faithful church members, but there came a day in their life that they turned their back upon Paul and upon the rightly divided Word and they became cankerous. They believed in a resurrection, but the trouble was, they misplaced it; they taught it was already past and not future and so they overthrew the faith of some.

This shows that truth must not be misplaced. What is to be may not be put in the past. When the Word is not rightly divided, it ceases to be the Word of God. When the doctrines are put in the wrong tense, they cease to be sound doctrine. These two men could not overthrow the one sure foundation Christ, but they did succeed in overthrowing the faith of some. Hymeneus did not only teach wrongly, but he also blasphemed; and he had put away a good conscience as we see in I Timothy 1:19 and 20. Hence Paul had given him up to Satan that he should learn not to blaspheme. That shows the importance of sound teaching.
