Watch Transformed By Grace
Transformed By Grace is a television program produced by the Berean Bible Society. Pastor Kevin Sadler presents the transforming power of God’s grace each Monday – Wednesday and Fridays at 6 pm Eastern time on the Christian Television Network (DirecTV 376, Dish 267, Glory Star Satellite 117). Past programs can be seen on the website, Youtube, Roku and Apple TV.
Children’s Book: The NEW Bible In Pictures For Little Eyes 30571
One hundred ninety beloved stories from the Old and New Testament are told in simple text and with vivid, full-color art on every page….
Bible: KJV King James Study Bible Bonded Leather, Black 679569
The best-selling study Bible in the King James Version—now updated, with added features. Trusted for 25 years, The King James Study Bible has dependable notes…
Bible: Old Scofield Study Bible, Standard Edition Black Genuine Leather Thumb Indexed 274RRL
A full-featured study Bible of Dr. C.I. Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition). A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Standard Edition…