May Our Thoughts and Meditations Be Acceptable

by Pastor Henry Bultema

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“Let the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts” said God, “for My thoughts are not your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:7 and 8.

God has a good deal to say about our thoughts in His Word: He saw that his thoughts are only evil. Genesis 6:5 The Lord understands the thoughts. I Chronicles 28:9. This is comfort to the godly, terror to the wicked. No thought can be withholden from God. Job 42:2. He knoweth the thought of man. Psalm 94:11. It is the desire of the godly that God may know his thoughts. Psalms 139:23. The thoughts of the wicked words are an abomination to God. Proverbs 15:26.

We read several times that Christ knew the thoughts of the wicked religious leaders. Matthew 9:4; Matthew 12:25; Luke 5:22; Luke 6:8; Luke 11:17. He knew that the heart was the origin of the thoughts. Matthew 15:19; Mark 7:21.

The Apostle Paul desired to bring every thought into captivity to the Lord, II Corinthians 10:5, and the Word of God is a discerner, or, critic, of our thoughts. The things true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, think on these things: Philippians 4:8. Some dear folks loudly boast of their frankness, because they just say what they think, flinging out the words right and left as they come, no matter where they strike, or whom the wound; for words can be more cutting than sorrows. Call this never frankness or outspokenness, call it rather miserable impertinence, impudence. It is not only extremely rude and crude, brusque and brutal, but it is unethical and unscriptural; for we have no right to unload our bad humors, ill tempers and spites and envies upon our neighbor’s heart. Of every vain word we must give an account by and by.

If we want to unload our hearts, let us go to the Lord and empty ourselves into His great heart. He knows, He loves, He cares. In every pang that rends the heart, the Man of glory has a part, but He has no part in the boasted frankness of uttering whatever rolls over the lips. Lord Jesus, may our thoughts and meditations be acceptable unto Thee!
