If You Died Today

by Doug Cox

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Where Will You Spend Eternity — In Heaven or Hell?

Why would God let you in to His heaven?

Many feel the “good Lord” would let them in. Others feel God isn’t going to send anyone to hell or that neither heaven nor hell are real.

What do you have to do to go to hell? NOTHING!

What do you have to do to go to heaven? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).

I ask you, “Are you SAVED?” Saved from hell?

We all want forgiveness of our sins, but how do we get rid of our sins? Many know they are guilty of sinning, but they balance that guilt by blaming others, circumstances, or even God. Blame won’t help.

First, I knew I was a sinner, because I was born in sin at birth (Rom. 3:23). Adam sinned and so death passed upon me (Rom. 5:12). I sinned against God and didn’t do what was right (James 4:17).

Second, I knew I was unsaved. As a teenager, I heard a preacher say I am going to hell unless I personally trust or believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ’s dying, shedding His precious blood to wash my sins away forever and that He rose again for me (I Cor. 15:3,4).

Third, I believed and Christ gave me eternal life (Rom 1:16). When I trusted Christ as my personal Savior, He forgave all my sins—past, present and future. I have newness of life in Christ (Rom. 6:4).

Finally, I received His salvation with solid assurance that I will never lose it (Col. 2:2; I Thes. 1:5). You and I will spend eternity somewhere—either heaven or hell. When the devil makes me doubt, I remind him that I was saved by what Jesus Christ did on the Cross. I am saved by what the Bible says, NOT on how I feel or by anything I did (Eph. 2:8-9).

Now what about you? God, the Bible, heaven, and hell are real. He is calling to you right now. I ask you to trust Christ as your personal Savior today. Believe in Christ’s finished work on the Cross and He will help you as a new creation in Christ (II Cor. 5:17).

Are you saved? Read the Bible. God will speak to you through His Word. I did, and God is everything to me now. He hears my every prayer. I know that when Christ returns in the clouds to call the saved home, I will go and God will welcome me in! I’m family!
