We are living in “this present evil age”, and not in the “golden age”. Before the golden age there will be a time of terrible judgment and sorrow on this earth, from which the Body of Christ will be saved. But never in the history of Christianity has there been such a wonderful opportunity to give out the blessed message of redemption to poor, lost, ruined, condemned sinners. Why complain if they are not coming to church? Really should we expect sinners to come to church? The Church should go out after the sinner. There are plenty of unoccupied street corners and open air spots. Then what a day for the printed message. And never in the history of the Church has there been any opportunity to equal that of the Radio. Thousands hear God’s Word over the radio who never otherwise hear it. Let’s get busy and keep busy while the door of salvation is open, while we are still in the day of grace. O what a message we have to proclaim, if religious preachers would not spoil it with their religious mixtures. Just to think of the infallible God leaving any part of redemption unfinished for poor miserable humanity to supplement or fix up in any way. Christ, the perfect Saviour, accomplished a perfect salvation. Let’s preach the pure gospel of grace, the glorious blessed fact that poor sinners can have eternal life as the free gift of God; they may be saved for eternity by faith in the crucified and resurrected Christ. No one should have more courage, more zeal or more confidence in preaching the Word to sinners than the man who knows the Pauline Gospel.
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