“Condescend to Men of Low Estate”

by John Willson

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What does this phrase in Romans 12:16 mean to us? It may mean that we are interested in giving to support the Lord’s work in countries where many are living in poverty and ignorance. Or, it may mean that we are concerned with helping missions in our own country which help those who have been destroying their lives with alcohol, drugs, or immoral living. But how about reaching the men and women who are serving time in jails and prisons? We have in America over two million that can be reached in jails by correspondence Bible lessons and literature. Those in city or county jails are usually easily reached in person.

Many years ago, I met with the sheriff at our local county jail and told him I would like to speak to the men there. He was very agreeable, and this began a regular weekly ministry that another brother and I are still involved in. We hold a Bible study, then provide inmates with Bible lessons, New Testaments, tracts, and other things to read. We find that many of these of low estate now have an interest in spiritual things, and they realize that it is their sin that has put them in jail. We tell them that they need the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, that they need to know that Christ died for their sins and that He will give them victory over sin and a new life.

Others can be reached by mail. We have been grading Bible lessons for prisoners and others all over the U. S. and foreign countries, sending out Grace literature to help them grow in understanding God’s Word.

It may be that you are looking for some way to be directly active in the work of the Lord (I Cor. 15:58). If you would like to get started in a ministry, we can provide you with the Bible lessons you need. I assure you that there are blessings and rewards in reaching those of low estate and obeying our commission as ambassadors for Christ, beseeching sinners to be reconciled to God (II Cor. 5:18-20).

For more information, please contact John Willson at: Grace Bible Courses, 407 W. Hickory Street, Neosho, MO 64850.
