Article Series

Series Title # Articles
Bible Messages of Grace and Glory 9 articles
Bible Messages: The Body of Christ 13 articles
Bible Study For Bereans 182 articles
Christ and Him Crucified 3 articles
Grace Gospel News 4 articles
Our Great Commission 4 articles
Pastor Sadler's Testimonies 2 articles
Pastor Stam's Recently Discovered Series 5 articles
Series on Grace 5 articles
The Importance of the Local Church 6 articles
The Judgment Seat of Christ 3 articles
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ 72 articles
Through the Bible in 52 Lessons 29 articles
True Spirituality 13 articles
Unsearchable Riches 11 articles
You've Got to Stand for Something 2 articles


Topic # Articles
Catholic 1 article
Christ's Life 1 article
Constantine 1 article
God's Word 2 articles
Holy Spirit 1 article
Lord's Coming 1 article
Mayan Calendar 1 article
Mayflower 1 article
Satan 1 article
Satan's Host 1 article
Savior 1 article
Sin-Bearer 1 article
Adversary 1 article
Affliction 1 article
Afflictions 1 article
Alcohol 1 article
All Spiritual Blessings 1 article
Ambassador 1 article
Angels 1 article
Apologetics 16 articles
Apostle Paul 5 articles
Apostles 1 article
Asaph 1 article
Ashamed 1 article
Assurance 2 articles
Atonement 1 article
Baptism 17 articles
Behemoth 1 article
Believe 1 article
Bible 1 article
Bible Prophecy 11 articles
Bible Study 3 articles
Biblical Christianity 1 article
Blessed Hope 1 article
Blood 1 article
Body Of Christ 4 articles
Chastening 1 article
Christ 1 article
Christian 1 article
Christian Life 43 articles
Christmas 2 articles
Church 2 articles
Closer To God 1 article
Condemnation 1 article
Conscience 1 article
Conversation 1 article
Daily Walk 2 articles
Death 4 articles
Dependence 1 article
Destruction 1 article
Devil 2 articles
Devils 1 article
Dinosaurs 1 article
Discussion 1 article
Dispensation Of Grace 2 articles
Dispensations 1 article
Divorce 1 article
Drunkenness 1 article
Earthen Vessels 1 article
Effort 1 article
End Of The World 1 article
Envy 1 article
Eternal Perspective 1 article
Eternal Security 1 article
Eternity 1 article
Evangelism 1 article
Fairness 1 article
Faith 1 article
Fallen Angels 1 article
Fellowship 2 articles
Finished Work 1 article
First Resurrection 1 article
Foot Washing 1 article
Forgiven 1 article
Forgiveness 1 article
Freedom 1 article
Fundamentalism 1 article
Future 1 article
Future Reward 1 article
Godliness 1 article
Godly 1 article
Good News 1 article
Good Works 1 article
Gospel 5 articles
Gospel Of The Grace Of God 1 article
Gospel Of The Kingdom 1 article
Grace 8 articles
Grace Believer 1 article
Grace Believers 1 article
Grace Doctrine 1 article
Grace Message 1 article
Grace Of God 1 article
Growing 1 article
Guilt 1 article
Head Covering 1 article
Healing 2 articles
Heart 1 article
Heaven 3 articles
Heirs 1 article
Hell 2 articles
Hilkiah 1 article
Hope 1 article
Humility 1 article
Incarnation 1 article
Israel 2 articles
Jehovah 1 article
Josiah 1 article
Joy 1 article
Judgment 1 article
Judgment Seat Of Christ 1 article
Justice 1 article
Justification 1 article
Kingdom Of Heaven 1 article
Kingdom Promises 1 article
Law 5 articles
Legacy 1 article
Levites 1 article
Liberty 1 article
Life 2 articles
Local Church 1 article
Lord Jesus Christ 1 article
Love 3 articles
Meaning 1 article
Mercy 1 article
Ministry 12 articles
Moses 1 article
Musicians 1 article
My Gospel 1 article
Mystery 5 articles
Negative Circumstances 1 article
New Life 1 article
Old Testament 2 articles
Pain 1 article
Paul 1 article
Pauline Epistles 2 articles
Peace 1 article
Persecution 1 article
Peter 1 article
Pharisees 1 article
Poor 1 article
Popular Opinion 1 article
Power 2 articles
Power Of God 1 article
Praise 1 article
Prayer 8 articles
Preaching 1 article
Prediction 2 articles
Prophecies 1 article
Prophecy 3 articles
Prosperity 1 article
Protection 1 article
Provision 1 article
Purgatory 2 articles
Purpose 1 article
Rapture 4 articles
Redeem 1 article
Redeeming The Time 1 article
Redemption 1 article
Reformation 1 article
Reformers 1 article
Relationship 2 articles
Religion 2 articles
Repentance 1 article
Resurrection 3 articles
Revival 1 article
Rich 1 article
Riches 1 article
Ridicule 1 article
Righteousness 1 article
Rightly Divide 3 articles
Rightly Dividing 122 articles
Rituals 1 article
Roman Catholicism 1 article
Sabbath 1 article
Salvation 44 articles
Sanctification 1 article
Save 1 article
Saved 1 article
Science And The Bible 1 article
Scribes 1 article
Scriptures 2 articles
Second Coming 2 articles
Second Resurrection 1 article
Secret Resurrection 1 article
Serve 1 article
Service 1 article
Sign Gifts 2 articles
Silence Of God 1 article
Sin 3 articles
Sonship 1 article
Sound Doctrine 1 article
Speech 1 article
Spiritism 1 article
Spiritual Battle 1 article
Spiritual Growth 1 article
Spiritual Matters 1 article
Stand Alone 1 article
State Of The Dead 1 article
Strength 1 article
Struggle 1 article
Stumbling Block 1 article
Temple 2 articles
Testimony 2 articles
Thanksgiving 2 articles
The Lord's Supper 2 articles
Things Which Are Not Seen 1 article
Tithe 1 article
Tongues 2 articles
Tradition 1 article
Transformation 1 article
Tribulation 1 article
Tribulations 1 article
Triumphal Entry 1 article
True Church 1 article
Truth 2 articles
Twelve Apostles 1 article
Unclean Spirits 1 article
Ungodly 1 article
Unpardonable Sin 1 article
Vengeance 1 article
Victory 2 articles
Virgin Birth 1 article
Walking With The Lord 1 article
Weakness 1 article
Wicked 1 article
Witnessing 1 article
Word Of God 3 articles
Worldliness 1 article
Worship 5 articles
Wrestle 1 article

General Articles

Date Title
August 10, 1993 Cremation
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
April 1, 1997 Is Dispensationalism Progressing or Regressing? — An Analysis of Progressive Dispensationalism
  by Pastor James Healan
November 2, 1998 Mortality Swallowed Up of Life
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
January 3, 2000 The Fear of God
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
February 2, 2000 The Day of Itching Ears
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
April 2, 2000 Judge Not — Judge All Things
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
April 3, 2000 The Wonders of His Grace
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
June 2, 2000 Paul and the Children of Adam
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
August 3, 2000 What Could He Say?
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
October 1, 2000 Why Did God Create the Devil?
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
December 2, 2000 The Abiding Evidences of Salvation
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
May 1, 2001 All Profitable
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
August 2, 2001 Sense and Nonsense
  by David M. Havard
September 2, 2001 Revealed By Fire
  by Fred Wisniewski
September 2, 2001 The Day of the Lord — What Is It?
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
October 1, 2001 Jesus Loves Us So
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
December 3, 2001 With Him — The Glories of the Life to Come
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
January 3, 2002 Three Times When the Lord Wouldn’t Answer
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
March 1, 2002 Creation
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
March 3, 2002 Time to Wake Up
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
April 3, 2002 The Knowledge of His Will
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
May 1, 2002 The Security of the Seal
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 3, 2002 The Gospel Brings Forth Fruit in All the World
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
June 3, 2002 The Judgment to Come
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
August 3, 2002 The Devil and the Mystery
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
October 3, 2002 Three Men in the Book of Psalms
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
December 1, 2002 A Birthday Celebration?
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
December 2, 2002 Many Infallible Proofs
  by Dr. Arthur Birkby
August 2, 2003 In the Eye of the Storm
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
September 1, 2003 Beautiful Garden — The Paradise of God
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
September 2, 2003 Paul’s Desire and Prayer
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 3, 2003 The Spirit Within
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 1, 2004 The Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31
  by W. Edward Bedore, Th.D.
October 1, 2004 Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
January 2, 2005 The Affliction of Christ
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
January 2, 2005 The Believing Remnant, Preserved and Secure
  by John Willson
January 17, 2005 Can God Forget?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 2, 2005 In Christ — The New Man
  by Pastor Joe S. Leftwich
November 2, 2005 Luke — “The Beloved Physician”
  by Pastor John D. LaVier
May 2, 2006 Man Alive! — Jonah: Lessons From a Wayward Prophet
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 3, 2006 The Plumbline
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 1, 2006 Grace For a Restless Apostle
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 2, 2006 Put on the Spot
  by Dr. Arthur Birkby
January 1, 2007 Access Your Grace and Joy!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 1, 2007 Accepted in the Beloved
  by Pastor John McKay
September 1, 2007 Hell, Sheol, Hades, Paradise, and the Grave
  by W. Edward Bedore, Th.D.
March 1, 2008 Cursed Is Every One!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 1, 2009 A Guide to Godliness
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 23, 2011 Wrath or Respite
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 27, 2011 The Spirit Of Faith
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
July 11, 2011 Paul’s Two Roman Imprisonments
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
November 7, 2011 Dead Works
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
March 24, 2012 The Reign Of Grace
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
May 5, 2012 The Christ Bell
  by Anonymous
August 6, 2012 Are You A Pauline Epistle?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 16, 2012 A Successful Church
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
August 27, 2012 One Hundred and Seventy Bible Lessons or Sermon Outlines
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
October 14, 2012 Peppermint
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
October 24, 2012 Grace Poems
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
November 20, 2012 Introduction to J. C. O’Hair Online Library
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
March 4, 2015 Are You Laboring In Vain?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 11, 2015 Keep Your Eye on the Finish Line
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 18, 2015 Reflections on Ephesians
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
August 2, 2016 The Second Trumpet
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
August 6, 2016 Are There Physical Blessings Today?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
August 9, 2016 Is Paul Addressing Believers or Unbelievers?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
August 13, 2016 A Worry-Free Life
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
August 20, 2016 Peter and the Heavenly Inheritance
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 22, 2016 The Limiting of a Limitless God
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 23, 2016 Objects in the Mirror…
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 27, 2016 Dining with the King
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 30, 2016 New Wine and the Dispensation of Grace
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 3, 2016 Only Going Through the Motions
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
September 6, 2016 What’s the Word?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 10, 2016 God’s Unconditional Love
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
September 13, 2016 A Precious Commodity
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
September 17, 2016 The Circumcision Made Without Hands
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
September 20, 2016 Sanctified Service
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 24, 2016 What’s in Your Treasure House?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 27, 2016 An Example in Forgiving
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
October 1, 2016 Was Paul Saved Under the Kingdom Program?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 4, 2016 Enriched in Utterance and Knowledge
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
October 8, 2016 Reaching Real Maturity
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
October 11, 2016 The Cross of Christ
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
October 15, 2016 Is Sunday the Sabbath?
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
October 18, 2016 Do Our Loved Ones in Heaven Remember Us?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 22, 2016 You Bet Your Sweet Bacon!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 25, 2016 What About ‘Heaven Is For Real’?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 29, 2016 A Reason to Sing!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 1, 2016 What’s Hiding Under that Cloak?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 5, 2016 Determining What is Acceptable to God
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
November 8, 2016 Is the Word of God Consistent?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
November 12, 2016 That Explains It!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 15, 2016 In What Sense Did Christ Atone?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
November 19, 2016 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
November 22, 2016 A Forward-Thinking Man
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 22, 2016 Paul and “The Faith Which Once He Destroyed”
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 29, 2016 Cause and Effect
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 3, 2016 ‘Faith of Christ’ and ‘Faith in Christ’
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 6, 2016 Why Not Reverend?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 10, 2016 Is This a Contradiction?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 13, 2016 Responding Properly to Backbiting
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
December 17, 2016 How Many Heavens?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 20, 2016 Will You Please Sit Still
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
December 24, 2016 The Resurrected Body
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 27, 2016 A Little Space of Grace
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 31, 2016 A Thorny Issue
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
January 3, 2017 The Violent Take It By Force
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 7, 2017 Are You a Man After God’s Own Heart?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 10, 2017 No Mas!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 14, 2017 Did Christ Offer Animal Sacrifices?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 17, 2017 The Rapture and the Prophetic Saints
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
January 21, 2017 Words Well Chosen
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
January 24, 2017 Peace in Trying Times
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
January 28, 2017 On the Brink of Extinction
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 31, 2017 It Makes All the Difference
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
February 4, 2017 Spiritual Aristocracy
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 7, 2017 It’s No Contest!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 11, 2017 A Solemn Challenge
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
February 14, 2017 Contextualizing the Gospel
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
February 18, 2017 Satisfaction Should NOT Be Guaranteed
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 21, 2017 The Genuine Article
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 25, 2017 Don’t Give Up
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
February 28, 2017 The Origin of Lawlessness
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
March 7, 2017 Foes in High Places
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 11, 2017 The Departure From Paul’s Message
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
March 14, 2017 Men Wanted!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 18, 2017 How to Comfort a Seasoned Saint
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 21, 2017 Is the God of Islam the God of the Bible?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 25, 2017 Sprinkled or Dunked?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 28, 2017 Trash Talking
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 1, 2017 A New Body
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
April 4, 2017 Whatsoever Is Not of Faith
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 8, 2017 Let’s Do Something…
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 11, 2017 What Should We Render to God?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 18, 2017 The Commandments of the Lord
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
April 22, 2017 Does Daniel Describe Today’s Increase in Knowledge?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 25, 2017 A Virtuous Woman
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
April 29, 2017 Who Are the Dogs and Swine?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 2, 2017 Good Directions
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 6, 2017 Don’t Study the Grace Message!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 9, 2017 The Grapes of Wrath
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
May 13, 2017 To Pray Or Not To Pray: That Is The Question!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 16, 2017 The End of the Ten Commandments
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 20, 2017 The Intent of the Ten
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 23, 2017 Jangle Bells!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 27, 2017 The Motives of Law and Grace
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 30, 2017 Some Certainties in Uncertain Times
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 3, 2017 A Saying That Shouldn’t Go Without Saying
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 6, 2017 The Paradox of Grace
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
June 10, 2017 Is Christ Your King?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 13, 2017 Who’d Christ Come to Save?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 17, 2017 How Long is Long?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 20, 2017 A Pauline Doxology!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 24, 2017 The God Who Sings
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
June 27, 2017 Significance of the Loaves and Fishes
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 1, 2017 Our Loved Ones in Heaven
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 4, 2017 Will There Be Recognition in Heaven?
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
July 8, 2017 If Paul Wrote a Letter to Your Church
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
July 11, 2017 To Have and To Hold
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 15, 2017 If Only
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
July 18, 2017 Rejoice in Every Good Thing
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
July 22, 2017 Romans 13 — Civil Government or Church Government?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 25, 2017 House Rules
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 1, 2017 Saviour of All Men?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 5, 2017 Paraskevidekatriaphobia
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 8, 2017 Faith Amnesia
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 12, 2017 Do Faith Healers Help People?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 15, 2017 Why No Replacement for James?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 19, 2017 Changing Our “Want-To”
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 26, 2017 The Wise and the Otherwise
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
August 29, 2017 Eye Hath Not Seen
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
September 2, 2017 Mumbling and Grumbling
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
September 5, 2017 Puffed Up Believers?
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
September 9, 2017 Christ Died for Our Sins and…
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
September 16, 2017 Be Strong
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
September 19, 2017 The Hope of Eternal Life
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
September 23, 2017 And Hearing By the Word of God
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 30, 2017 The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 3, 2017 Hands Up!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 7, 2017 God’s Starter House
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 10, 2017 To Rebuke Is Not To Nuke!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 14, 2017 A Case of Mistaken Identity
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 17, 2017 Walk, Don’t Run!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 21, 2017 An Exhortation to Pray
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 24, 2017 What’s Satan’s Address?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 28, 2017 The Unpardonable Sin
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 31, 2017 A New World Order
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 4, 2017 What’s the Difference?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 7, 2017 What’s In A Name?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 11, 2017 Call Me Crazy
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
November 14, 2017 How Does Faith Establish the Law?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 18, 2017 Do I Need To Know the Time and Date?
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
November 21, 2017 I’ll Sleep by My Goats
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
November 25, 2017 The Man Upstairs?
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
November 28, 2017 Being Right vs. The Truth
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
December 2, 2017 The Least in the Kingdom?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 5, 2017 Break With Tradition
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 9, 2017 Was Peter Competent to Interpret the “Great Commission”?
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
December 12, 2017 Duck Season
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
December 16, 2017 Kingdom Rewards in Heaven or on Earth?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 19, 2017 Find It In His Grace
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 23, 2017 Will God Be Angry If We Eat Blood?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 26, 2017 Pray About Everything
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 30, 2017 The Birth That Gave Gentiles a Shot at Redemption
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
January 2, 2018 Why Does It Say, “It Repented the Lord”?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 6, 2018 Why Paul’s Ministry Was So Effective
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
January 9, 2018 God’s Waiting Room
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
January 16, 2018 More on Eating Blood
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 9, 2018 The God of All Comfort
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
February 16, 2018 This Evil Age
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
February 23, 2018 Payday Someday
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
March 2, 2018 World-Class Reconciliation
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
March 9, 2018 Offering Up of the Gentiles
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 25, 2018 How Was Christ Broken For Us?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 1, 2018 Worn Out Pages
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
June 8, 2018 The Lord and the Canaanite Woman
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 15, 2018 From A Father to His Son
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
June 22, 2018 I Think Also That I Have the Spirit of God
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 29, 2018 Suppose
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
July 6, 2018 “Holy” God — “Holy Bible”
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
July 13, 2018 Does Your Heart Murmur?
  by Pastor John Frederickson
August 3, 2018 Why Should We Fear God?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 10, 2018 A Killer Who Found Hope
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 17, 2018 An Apostle In Hope of Eternal Life
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 24, 2018 An Apostle According to the Faith
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 31, 2018 An Apostle According to the Truth
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 7, 2018 The Servant of God For Today
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 14, 2018 Are You a Servant of God?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 21, 2018 Who Would Think That God Could Lie?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 28, 2018 It Was About Time!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 5, 2018 Our Manifest Destiny
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 12, 2018 Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
October 19, 2018 Remission of Sins
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 26, 2018 Everybody’s a Somebody in the Body of Christ
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
October 26, 2018 Sealed in the Pit
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
November 2, 2018 Life-Savers
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
November 9, 2018 Despite to the Spirit of Grace and Loss of Salvation
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 4, 2018 Did Christ Suffer in Hell?
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
December 7, 2018 Paul’s Kind of Church
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
December 11, 2018 Be Ye Reconciled to God
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 14, 2018 They’re Out There!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 18, 2018 From A to C to E
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
December 21, 2018 Something We All Need
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
December 28, 2018 Does the Lord Reveal Himself in Dreams?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 4, 2019 Prophesied vs. Testified
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 15, 2019 In the Footsteps of Christ
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
February 8, 2019 Why the Concern?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 15, 2019 Our Primary Source of Strength
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
February 22, 2019 Does Scripture Ban Piercings?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 1, 2019 House Rules
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 8, 2019 Don’t Take the Lord’s Law in Vain
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 15, 2019 Averting the Subverting
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 22, 2019 Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 29, 2019 The Nature of the Beast
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 5, 2019 Redeeming the Time
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
April 12, 2019 The Twelve and the Sign of His Coming
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 19, 2019 A Picture of a Fool
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
April 26, 2019 Behold, I Come Quickly
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
May 3, 2019 Will the Earth Be Destroyed?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 10, 2019 Is God a Thug?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 17, 2019 God’s Purpose in Satan’s Hindrance
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
June 5, 2019 The Danger of the Occult
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 7, 2019 You Can Make a Difference
  by Pastor John Fredericksen
August 14, 2019 The Church Under Grace
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 21, 2019 Which Name of the Lord?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
September 4, 2019 The Value of the Four Gospels
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
September 11, 2019 Solomon’s Wisdom?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 2, 2019 Beware!
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
October 9, 2019 How Did God Speak to Moses?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 16, 2019 Conduct Unbecoming a Christian
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
October 23, 2019 This Little Light of Mine…
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
October 30, 2019 The Cat’s Out of the Bag
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 6, 2019 Common Ground
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 13, 2019 Is God Faithful To His Word?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 20, 2019 How Fast Are We Talking Here?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
November 27, 2019 Hold Fast or the Gainsayers Will Get Ya!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 4, 2019 How To Rule The Unruly
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 11, 2019 Adherences Can Be Deceiving
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
December 18, 2019 Mouths That Must Be Shut
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 1, 2020 How Slow Is Your Belly?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 8, 2020 Table the Fables!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 15, 2020 Be Sure of What’s Pure!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 22, 2020 The Cure For the Impure
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
January 29, 2020 Defiled-Minded Professors
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 5, 2020 Act Your Age!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 12, 2020 How Aged Men Should Behave
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 19, 2020 The Rarity of Charity
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
February 26, 2020 Behavior That Honors the Savior
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 4, 2020 Striking Faith and Charity
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 11, 2020 Advice For Aged Women
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 11, 2020 The Noble Bereans
  by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
March 18, 2020 Aged Women Teachers
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
March 25, 2020 Discretion Is the Better Part of Glamour
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 1, 2020 She’s A Keeper!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 2, 2020 Sanctification By Grace
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
April 8, 2020 Home Keepers
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 15, 2020 Comptrollers Who Push Strollers
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 22, 2020 The Great Debate!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
April 29, 2020 The Hour of Power
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 5, 2020 Your Career in Christian Modeling
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 6, 2020 A Pattern of Sobriety
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 13, 2020 Your Career in Christian Modeling
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 20, 2020 A Holding Pattern That Casts the Lord in a Good Light
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
May 27, 2020 Creatures of Habit
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 4, 2020 “Grace” Preaching
  by Pastor J. C. O'Hair
June 4, 2020 Runaways – Jonah
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
June 11, 2020 A Friend in Seed is God’s Friend Indeed
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
June 18, 2020 What Is the Family Name?
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
June 25, 2020 Man-Following
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
July 2, 2020 What’s the Difference?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 9, 2020 A Timeless Testimony
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 23, 2020 Did Paul Lose His Ability to Heal?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
July 30, 2020 Fruit That Abounds
  by Pastor Paul M. Sadler
August 5, 2020 Part 1: You’ve Got To Stand For Something!
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 6, 2020 Not Too Narrow
  by Pastor Kevin Sadler
August 13, 2020 Was Paul the Chief of Sinners?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 20, 2020 Show the Lord’s Death
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth
August 27, 2020 Did the She Bear Kill Little Children?
  by Pastor Ricky Kurth