When we rightly divide the Word of truth, we learn that Paul’s epistles are written directly to us, the Church, the Body of Christ. The letters of Paul are the commands and will of Christ for His Church in this current dispensation of grace (Eph. 3:2). Our Bibles should reflect our belief. What you will often find with Bibles used by grace believers is that the pages for the letters of Paul are worn or even falling out. It’s easy to find Paul’s epistles because they are either bulging out or you can see the wear on the edge of the pages from turning there so often.
We are to read, study, learn, and declare “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), knowing that all the Bible is “written for our learning” (Rom. 15:4), but not all the Bible is written to us for our direct instruction and obedience. If you have a Bible that looks like the Bible pictured above, which is one of my father’s old Bibles, know that this is pleasing to the Lord. It shows you are following and living by God’s will for this dispensation of grace. And a well-worn Bible, especially with the pages of Paul’s letters worn out, can lead to a well-lived life. It is God-honoring to have a Bible that shows the wear on Paul’s epistles!