It is thrilling to hear the Psalmist, though “greatly afflicted”, say: “I believed, therefore have I spoken”(Psa.116:10).
It is thrilling too, to see the Apostle Paul, though “troubled… perplexed… persecuted… cast down… alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake” — it is thrilling to see him take his stand with David and to hear him speak of having “THE SAME SPIRIT OF FAITH”, adding: “WE ALSO BELIEVE AND THEREFORE SPEAK” (IICor.4:8-13).
If only all who believe the glorious message of God’s grace: that believers in Christ are accepted in Him, pronounced “complete” and baptized into one body by one divine baptism — if all who believed these truths would speak out today, there would be a sweeping revival tomorrow in the Church, the Body of Christ. If, putting all other considerations aside, they would openly and honestly say: “WE ALSO BELIEVE AND THEREFORE SPEAK”, the results would be as refreshing as far reaching. And they should speak, for this is “the spirit of faith”.
But, alas, there are few who possess “the spirit of faith”; few who will stand, regardless of consequences, for the light God has given them. Some maintain a discreet silence because of the “fear of man”; others because they love “the praise of man”. Both say: “One must be careful what one says, for these truths are not popular”, but both alike are guilty of unfaithfulness to God and the truth.
With God’s help, let us not be among them. Let us, where the truth is concerned, stand with David and Paul and say: “WE ALSO BELIEVE AND THEREFORE SPEAK!” Let us be among those who truly possess “the spirit of faith”, who are determined to “stand fast in the faith” and ready to “fight the good fight of faith” (ICor.16:13; ITim.6:12).